COVID-19の感染拡大により、予約していた飛行機のフライトができなくなり、キャンセルしなければならないことが増えているが、そのキャンセル方法のひとつとして、Credit Voucherが使われるようだ。
Credit Voucher Form
The dynamically changing travel restrictions, which are imposed around the world by the authorities who monitor the epidemiological developments and the travel uncertainty, both during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the upcoming future, lead to inevitable changes in our flight planning which involves several flight cancellations.
以下を読むと、Credit Voucherの意味が明確になる。
To assist our passengers with cancelled flights to better adjust their travel plans, especially those who do not want to rebook for a future date at this time, we offer a Credit Voucher of equal value to the ticket purchased. For cancelled flights from 01/07/2020 and onwards, which are related to the mandatory adaptation of our future flight scheduling based on the new circumstances, we offer an additional 10% on the Credit Voucher value.
要するに、今後ふたたび再予約の手間を省くために、クレジット・バウチャーが提供されて、それをもって今後の同額の航空券購入ができるというものだ(especially those who do not want to rebook for a future date at this time, we offer a Credit Voucher of equal value to the ticket purchased.)
You will be able to redeem your Credit Voucher on any future flight within the next 18 months. If you will not use it, you are eligible to request a monetary refund, either for the total or the remaining unused amount, 12 months after the date of its issuance.
Credit Voucher, 今後のTOEIC L&Rテストでも出てきそうだ。