◯Practical Example
"On whose authority did you do this? You don't have authority to do this."
"I do!"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Ms. Nishimoto asked if she had the authority to approve changes to the prices of company goods without first consulting executive directors."
"She should consult them first."
polka-dotは「水玉模様」。 今日のGetUpEnglishはこの表現を学習しよう。
◯Practical Example
"Polka-dot dresses are in fashion this fall."
"Yes. And I have a polka-dot umbrella."
●Extra Point
polka dotsと複数で表記されることもある。
◎Extra Example
"My husband likes polka dots tie."
"My husband prefers stripes to polka dots."
◯Practical Example
"Mr. Koyama asked his subordinates to give their written proposals either to their immediate supervisors or to him."
"I submitted my proposal to him."
●Extra Point
「上司」はsuperior. 会社の「上下関係」はsuperior-subordinate relationshipとすればいいと思う。
◎Extra Example
"Hi, Kozue. How about your new company?"
"My new company is really strict about vertical superior-subordinate relationships."