East of Eden(1955) - Theme Music
11826.as rare as(~とおなじぐらい珍しい、~と同様にめったにない)
Courtesy at the airport or on the plane is becoming as rare as free,hot in-flight meal.
11827.tune out(~を無視する、~を聴かない)
I find the best way of tuning out crying babies and people with loud voices is to put my headphones and let Bach and Morzart soothe my nerves.
We must believe in luck.
11829.pet peeve(大嫌いなもの、こと、気に障るもの、こと)
That is one of my pet peeve.
11830.leak out of(漏れてくる)
You can hear the sound leaking out of your headohones.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十三番石光山石山寺/滋賀県大津市(2010/07/30)

中国・北京 故宮博物院(2011/09/09)
Courtesy at the airport or on the plane is becoming as rare as free,hot in-flight meal.
11827.tune out(~を無視する、~を聴かない)
I find the best way of tuning out crying babies and people with loud voices is to put my headphones and let Bach and Morzart soothe my nerves.
We must believe in luck.
11829.pet peeve(大嫌いなもの、こと、気に障るもの、こと)
That is one of my pet peeve.
11830.leak out of(漏れてくる)
You can hear the sound leaking out of your headohones.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十三番石光山石山寺/滋賀県大津市(2010/07/30)

中国・北京 故宮博物院(2011/09/09)