11911.market value(時価)
We sold some of our assets at market value.
11912.net worth(純資産)
Could you find out the net worth of comapany?
11913.on the line(名声、仕事、お金、命などが掛かっている)
You should understand that your job is on the line.
11914.under the circumstances(現状では)
I'm sorry but it's the best I can do under the circumstances.
11915.under the weather(調子が悪い、体調が悪い)
You should go home if you are feeling under the weather.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
西国三十三ヶ所 第三十一番姨綺耶山長命寺/滋賀県近江八幡市(2011/07/30)