

Daily Vocabulary(2011/10/10)

2011年10月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
11861.think twice(熟考する、もう一度よく考えてみる)
If I were you, I'd think twice before I call my boss.
11862.think under fire(非難など受けながら考える)
The reporter were attacking him with harsh questions and he had to think under fire.
11863.fit the bill(要求を満たす、望みにピッタリかなう)
The director was looking for a sdhort girl with black hair and I fit the bill.
11864.fit together(まとまる、一体を成す)
Somehow the pirces in his story don'tfit together.
11865.fit like a glove(ピッタリ合う)
The suit you bought me fits like a glove.
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