

Daily Vocabulary(2011/10/06)

2011年10月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
11841.basic understanding(基礎知識)
Many people still believe taht a basic understanding of etiquette is necessary to shpw respect for others.
11842.middle age(中年)
Middle age is when you've met so many people taht every new person you meet reminf\ds you of someone else.
11843.think nothing of(~を何とも思わない、~なんか気にしない)
I think nothing of walking an hour to work.
11844.think ahead of one's time(時代に先んじて考える、時代を先取りする)
Madame Curie was thinking ahead of her time when she discovered radium.
11845.think ahead(先のことを考える、~のことを前もって考える)
I have to learn to think ahead, or I'll fall behind.
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