◯Practical Example
As well as in Part 5, time management is the most important consideration for Part 6. The test takers must use their time wisely. There are four documents and the test takers should answer twelve questions ( three questions for each document). Ideally, test takers who try to get 990 should answer should ideally answer all the questions in five minutes ( one minutes and a half minutes for each document ).
オレンジ:スペルミス/紫:変更されたワード/赤:付加された必要ワード/緑:不必要なワード/青:意味が解りづらいもの/不自然な言い回し/青緑 : Impressive!(自然/クリエイティブな表現)
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
As well as Part 5, time management is the most important consideration for Part 6. The test takers must use their time wisely. There are four documents and the test takers should answer twelve questions (three questions for each document). Ideally, test takers who try to get 990 should answer all the questions in five minutes (one and a half minutes for each document ).