-friendlyは「…に優しい」「…に好意的な」「…に同情的な」の意の複合語の構成要素(研究社 英和大辞典)。
○Practical Example
I am more grateful to you than I can tell, Prof. Watanabe. Thanks to your unflagging effort, we’ve finally got a tremendously informative and user-friendly textbook for American Literature.
●Extra Point
現代アメリカ文学の代表的作家Steve Erickson(1950- )が今回のアメリカの民主党の予備選挙について、こんなことを書いている。
◎Extra Example
The smart move for Warren now might be to endorse Bernie in as Biden-friendly a way as possible. This would not only cement her position as the future leader of Bernie’s movement, but if Biden were to win the nomination, *his* smart move might be putting her on the ticket to unite the party.
in as Biden-friendly a way as possibleは、in a way as Biden-friendly as possibleの変形と考えればいいだろう。