Superman fell for a reporter and now his son is doing the same, although this time the superhero's love interest is a man called Jay.
fall(fell) for: ~に恋をする。
DC Comics announced on Monday that the new Superman, who is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, will have a romantic relationship with a male friend.
Jon Kent and budding journalist Jay Nakamura struck up a friendship in a story released in August. They will share a kiss in a comic to be published next month, the publisher said, describing Kent as "bisexual".
budding: 駆け出しの
stick(struck) up a friendship: 友好を深める
○Practical Example
Budding young writers gathered at his house at Kita-senju once a week at what was known as a Hashira or Summit Conference.”
"Following a scene where Superman mentally and physically burns out from trying to save everyone that he can, Jay is there to care for the Man of Steel," DC Comics said.
The storyline will feature in Son of Kal-El issue five, due to hit shelves on November 9, the publisher said in a press release headlined "Jon Kent finds his identity”.