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he was the rock the rest of it was built around...

2021-10-12 08:21:30 | News

 The Rolling Stonesの世界ツアーがはじまった。

 The Rolling Stone誌が伝えている。


The Rolling Stones have kept a low public profile since the death of Charlie Watts on August 24th, but in a series of new interviews with longtime Rolling Stone writer David Fricke, they talk about the devastating loss, moving forward with drummer Steve Jordan, the song selection for their upcoming tour, and a possible continuation of the tour next year, which happens to be their 60th anniversary.

 keep(kept) a low (public) profile: 目立たない


○Practical Example

 Ever since they bombed with his last show, that band's been keeping a low profile.


The main topic through all of the interviews was the loss of Watts. “The thing about Charlie was that he was always there, always played beautifully and was always willing to discuss what to do about it – how he could make it better,” Mick Jagger said. “He held the band together for so long, musically, because he was the rock the rest of it was built around … The thing he brought was this beautiful sense of swing and swerve that most bands wish they could have. We had some really nice conversations in the last couple of years about how all this happened with the band. It’s a huge loss to us all. It’s very, very hard.”

 he was the rock the rest of it was built around: 彼は岩で、その上にほかのものが作られた



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