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2021-08-07 08:18:40 | O

 one-to-oneは「1 対 1 の、相関的な」



○Practical Example

  When you are translating, don't think of words as having a one-to-one correspondence.


Extra Point


 Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One)

◎Extra Example

“It was Dave’s idea to have the creature be a walrus. As we kept iterating, Jon pushed for it to be walrus-based, but much less one-to-one than this was.”



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『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』 お詫びと訂正

2021-08-06 19:37:30 | Lightsaber Collection

『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』 誤記のお詫び


『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』初版の本文中に以下の誤りがありました。お詫びして訂正いたします。下記の訂正は第2刷より反映する予定です。


 ピート・ハミルは言う。→ マークハミルは言う。



 マライア → マラ


 シディウス → シディ



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2021-08-06 07:14:34 | P

 句動詞plug awayは「(仕事・勉強などを)こつこつやる」


○Practical Example

 I have been plugging away English learning for more than 40 years, but my skill of speaking English is still unsatisfactory.


○Extra Point


◎Extra Example

  If you plug away at piano practice, you may play “Christmas Eve” and “May the Spring Come” as well as Nobuyuki Tujii.


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『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』、見本到着!

2021-08-05 12:46:31 | Lightsaber Collection

『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』、見本到着。関係者の皆さま、大変お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。



 別冊無料ダウンロードPDF「ライトセーバー・ホロクロン『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』秘密ファイル」も発売日10日にはグラッフィク社のサイトにUPされるはずです。こちらもご期待ください。

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2021-08-05 08:32:16 | R




 Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One)



 “Jon was very specific about the refresher. We were looking at International Space Station equipment. And then getting more and more gross with it, and literal, and odd. It doesn’t matter what kind of alien you are [laughs]. This has all the attachments. And his single bunk tells you a lot about the guy. That’s the Mandalorian’s sad existence. Nobody is sleeping over.” 

 このthe refresherとは何だろうか?





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Japanese anime has problem with women and girls: Hosoda (2)

2021-08-04 08:41:32 | News


To her surprise, and everyone else’s, Suzu becomes a pop diva called Belle in the virtual universe of an app called U.

Rather than being burned by online abuse and harassment as she acquires billions of followers, Suzu uses her online avatar to overcome the haters and her own hang-ups.

 being burned by online abuse and harassment: ネット上の嫌がらせで傷つく

 hang-up(s): 悩みの種

‘Human relations can be complex and extremely painful for young people. I wanted to show that this virtual world, which can be hard and horrible, can also be positive,’ said Hosoda.

Suzu and her computer geek friend are far from the women that usually populate Japanese anime -- which is where Hosoda takes issue with Miyazaki, the Oscar-winning legend behind classics such as ‘Spirited Away’.

 take(s) issue with: 反論する

‘You only have to watch Japanese animation to see how young women are underestimated and not taken seriously in Japanese society,’ he said.

The director -- whose films are more grounded in social realities than Miyazaki’s -- was brought up by a single mother, a rarity at the time.

His 2012 classic ‘Wolf Children’ is a paean to the fierce independence with which she brought up her little pack alone.

 paean to: ~への賛歌

‘It really annoys me to see how young women are often seen in Japanese animation -- treated as sacred -- which has nothing to do with the reality of who they are,’ Hosoda said, with evident frustration.

Without naming Miyazaki, Hosoda was unsparing about the Studio Ghibli founder.

 unsparing: 手厳しい

‘I will not name him, but there is a great master of animation who always takes a young woman as his heroine. And to be frank I think he does it because he does not have confidence in himself as a man.

‘This veneration of young women really disturbs me and I do not want to be part of it,’ he insisted.

 veneration: 尊敬、崇敬

He wants to free his heroines from being paragons of virtue and innocence and ‘this oppression of having to be like everyone else’.

 paragon(s): 手本、かがみ

Hosoda and Miyazaki have history.

The 53-year-old was seen as the natural successor to Miyazaki after he was called in from the outside by Ghibli to direct the Oscar-nominated ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’.

But Hosoda walked out midway through to set up his own studio.

The director prefers stories that ‘show the good and the bad in people. This tension is what being human is all about’.

Which is why he was also drawn to bringing ‘Beauty and the Beast’ up to date.

‘In the original story the Beast is the most interesting character. He is ugly and has this violence but he is sensitive and vulnerable inside too.

‘Beauty is just a cipher. It is all about her looks. I wanted to make her as complex and rich.’

 cipher: 取るに足らない人

That duality is also there in his fascination with the digital world that began with his first hit, ‘Digimon: The Movie’.

‘I keep returning to the internet. First with ‘Digimon’ and then with ‘Summer Wars’ in 2009 and now again.’

And he is more convinced than ever that we cannot keep dismissing it as the source of all evil.

‘Young people can never separate themselves from it. They grew up with it. We have to accept it and learn to use it better.’


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Japanese anime has problem with women and girls: Hosoda

2021-08-03 08:22:18 | N




Mamoru Hosoda has bones to pick with both Steven Spielberg and Hayao Miyazaki, the other great Japanese animator to whom he is often compared.

 has(have) bones to pick with...: ~に文句がある、~に対して言うことがある

Hosoda -- whose brilliantly humane ‘Mirai’ got an Oscar nod three years ago -- has had enough of the way Hollywood treats the digital world and Miyazaki depicts women.

 Oscar nod: アカデミー賞のノミネート。

The dystopian tropes about the internet that run through so many movies, including Steven Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’, are not doing anyone any favours, particularly women, Hosoda told AFP at the Cannes film festival, as his latest feature ‘Belle’ premiered.

 trope(s): 比喩、修辞技法

First reviews of the movie were ecstatic with Hosoda getting a 14-minute standing ovation.

The Hollywood Reporter said its ‘wildly imaginative futureworld takes your breath away’ as the story rises to a ‘series of swelling emotional crescendos’ that are always rooted in real emotion.

 emotional crescendo(s): 感情の高ぶり。crescendoは「(感情などの)盛り上がり、最高潮」

And top US critic Anne Thompson of Indiewire predicted Oscar glory for Hosoda.

Father of a young girl himself, the Japanese master told AFP he wants to empower her generation to take control of their digital destinies rather than cower in fear.

 cower in fear: 恐怖におびえる。cowerは「(恐怖などで)ちぢこまる、すくむ」

‘They have grown up with the net... yet are constantly told how malevolent and dangerous it is,’ Hosoda said.

‘Belle’ is his riposte, a spectacular dive into the rollercoaster emotional life of a shy adolescent girl called Suzu, in a 21st century take on ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

 riposte: 反撃、しっぺ返し



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推量+否定+比較級 COULD NOT + 比較級

2021-08-02 08:10:49 | C

 couldは「[推量・可能性を表わす] (ことによると)…かもしれない」(コンパスローズ)の意味で使われ、could notであれば「…であるはずがないだろう」の意味で用いられる。

 このcould notに比較級が合わせると、少し戸惑ってしまう学習者もいるようだ。



○Practical Example

 His[Hemingway‘s] reputation among other serious writers could not have been higher.







●Extra Point


◎Extra Example

  Couldn't be better.


★Extra Extra Point


☆Extra Example


So many ways I want to tell you, the way I feel for you
Night and day I’m thinking of you, because my aim is true
Lost inside the rhythm, crazy for the love of you
It’s all I ever wanted. Babe you’ve got to know it’s true
I couldn’t love you more, I couldn’t love you more
I couldn’t love you more, baby I couldn’t love you more
Can’t contemplate a life without you, without the things you do
Every day my heart sings for you, for life‘s a dream come true
I found a road to freedom, all because the love of you
It’s all I ever wanted, baby you’ve got to know it’s true
I couldn’t love you more, I couldn’t love you more
I couldn’t love you more, I couldn’t love you more
From the beginning it was plain for me to see
You were the one, the one for me
It would have hurt so much if it was not to be
You were the one, the only one
I couldn’t love you more, I couldn’t love you more
I couldn’t love you more, couldn’t love you more
So many ways, all of my dreams, babe I want to tell you
Night and day, day and night, I couldn’t love you more




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2021-08-01 08:26:17 | B

 a blessing in disguiseは、「災難に見えて実は祝福すべきこと」


 in disguiseは字義どおりには「変装している」



○Practical Example

 Being declined my proposal was a blessing in disguise.  Another publisher found it interesting and it was published within a year.


●Extra Point


◎Extra Example

 My mental problem should be looked on as a blessing in disguise since it made me break up with some people who did me a mischief. In addition, thanks to it, now I can do more job.


 do someone a mischiefは「人に危害を加える」

☆Extra Extra Point


★Extra Extra Example

“Come on, Jules, " Jan said gently, and put her hand on my knee. “I know you are so heartbroken and cannot get through this. But I believe it would turn out to be a blessing in disguise someday."


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