to speculateは、「(確実な根拠なしに)思いめぐらす、思索[沈思]する」「推測をする」。
○Practical Example
“I think the American swimming team will win a lot of gold medals at the Beijing Olympics this year.”
“You’re speculating, Mr. Waterford. There’s no way to know who’s going to win medals.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I think the American swimming team will win a lot of gold medals in Beijing.”
“That’s just speculation, Mr. Waterford. No one knows who’s gong to win.”
☆Extra Extra Point
to speculateは、「[株などで]やまを張る、投機をする、思惑買い[売り]をする、相場に手を出す」といった意味でも使われる。
★Extra Extra Example
“Hashimoto is speculating in the stock market, and he doesn’t know a thing about stocks.”
“That kind of buying and selling is pure speculation. He’s going to lose his shirt, if you ask me.”
to lose one’s shirtは、「(賭け・投機などで)無一物[無一文]になる、大損をする」。
if you ask meは、『日めくり現代英語帳』(上)の4月3日のレッスンを参照。