The Moviemaking Magic of Star Wars: Creatures & Aliens
Also native to the desert planet of Tatooine, the three-foot-tall Jawas survive by scavenging scrap metal and droids.
They were initially designed with prominent, rodentlike facial features. But costume designer John Mollo, who was responsible for their final look, decided to hide their entire faces beneath heavy hoods, with only their glowing yellow eyes visible.
“They were supposed to look like little rats, sort of grimy and filthy,” he recalls. “George [Lucas] produced a prototype that he subsequently felt was too theatrical. So we pulled it back to just a black stocking mask and these eye-bulbs, a little brown cloak with a . . . hood and a scarf.
Then we’d put other bits and pieces on them the day of shooting to make them look a bit more formidable.”
The Moviemaking Magic of Star Wars: Creatures & Aliens, 10月発売予定です。