a babe in the wood(s)で、「うぶな人、世間知らず、だまされやすい人」
(like) a babe in the woods
「(危険な)森の中にひとりでいる赤ちゃん(と同じようなもの)」の意。未経験な人、うぶな人について、その危なっかしさを強調する言い方である。1600年頃のイギリスにあった"The Children in the Wood"(「森の子どもたち」)という歌からきた表現。アメリカでは「森」はwoodsと複数形にするのがふつうだが、イギリスでは今でも単数形を使う。
○Practical Example
When I started in this business, I was just a babe in the woods. Thanks to all of you, I have done so well.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
He has quite good command of English, but when it comes to traveling abroad, he is a real babe in the woods. He's never been to abroad except visiting Hawaii for his honeymoon long long time ago.
好きな曲にMary BlackのBabes in the woodがあります。
Babes in the wood walking thru' snow
Big bad wolf at the window
Not much choice in the matter now
Some must lead some must follow
Touch can mean distance to some people
Touch can mean prison or be like a cage
I always thought that life could be more simple
Specially in this day and age
They got the time they got the need
The world's getting weird the wolf's running free
But that's another story this their story
Babes in the wood eager and keen
Soft as the fern underneath them
Wet to the skin from their own hot glow
No more wolf at the window
Touch can mean distance to some people
Touch can mean I own you forever and a day
If only life could be more simple
Specially in this day and age
But touch can be a blessing to other people
Touch can bring blossom to things that decay
I think life should be that simple
Specially in this day and age