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EIGOBIN 2020(8)

2020-10-31 08:45:14 | 英語便




○Practical Example

 I am very happy to get a excellent mail from an author whom I really admire.

「うれしいメール」ということで、an excellent mailとしたが、それを英語便の講師は上のように修正し、次の長く、ありがたく、親切なコメントを寄せてくれている。

We are extremely unlikely to get an 'excellent' email. I might say to one of the Eigobin students that an email that I worked on was excellent because this means the written quality of the mail was very high and needed few corrections. Your meaning here is more like 'nice' but you have already expressed how 'happy' you were, so anything else isn't really needed.

●Extra Point 


◎Extra Example

brought took books of their books to a post office, but because of the outbreak of COVID-19, I found that we cannot deliver our mail our to you in the United States.



The verb needs to be 'take' and not 'bring.' You take something from your home to the post office. Right now, you are at home, so from your perspective at this time, you take something out of your house to another location. There are 'takeaway' food places because we get the food and take it away to eat it somewhere else. When you are inside the post office, you will say to the staff: "I brought these books with me." At the post office, your perspective has changed to the point of arrival, so 'bring' is used.

AT HOME: "I am taking these letters to the post office now. I will be back soon."

AT THE P.O.: "I have brought these letters for posting. How much are they?"

Package mail is uncountable and has no plural form. We use 'mails' to refer to multiple 'emails.' "I got a lot of mails from my friends on my birthday."




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