by no stretch of the imagination, not by any stretch of the imaginationで、「どんなに想像力をたくましくしても[どう考えても]…でない」(リーダーズ)
○Practical Example
Mr. K could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be called cool.
●Extra Point
Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One)
◎Extra Example
Even prior to Star Wars, the cinema of Star Wars creator George Lucas made a big impact on Favreau. “[My experience in 1977] was coming off of also being completely enthralled by American Graffiti, which helped forge my taste in music and in hot rods and nostalgic culture that echoes in Swingers [Favreau’s 1996 breakthrough movie as a writer-actor]. I wouldn’t be who I am without the films of George Lucas, by any stretch.”
ご覧のように、by any stretchという短縮形でもよく用いられる。