under one’s own beltは「胃袋に」であるが、「過去の経験として、経験して」の意味でも使われる。
Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One)
○Practical Example
In January of 2008, with three directorial turns of his own under his belt, including the 2003 critical and commercial smash hit Elf, Favreau found his path intersecting with Star Wars once more. His first Marvel superhero film, Iron Man for Paramount Pictures, was mixed at Skywalker Sound, Lucasfilm Ltd.’s audio post-production facility located on the grounds of George Lucas’s fabled Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, California.
「2003年に批判も浴びたが商業的に成功を収めた『エルフ 〜サンタの国からやってきた〜』4 を発表したことも含めて、ファヴローは映画監督して3つの転機を経験したのち、2008年1月にふたたび『スター・ウォーズ』と交錯する」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
There are few authors with Akutaga Prize and Naoki Prize under their belt.