He remembers they’re getting together so MJ can give him some social-media tips later this week and breathes easier. Since she hasn’t canceled yet, he figures they’re still on. The other day while he was waiting for the train, he set up a SpiderManEnWhySee account, just a little miffed that he couldn’t include a hyphen in the screen name.
breathe(s) easierは、「安堵する、ほっとする」
breathe (easily [freely]) again=breathe easy [easier, easily, freely] ほっとする, 安堵する.
2025年最初のGetUpEnglishはこのbreathe easierを学習する。
〇Practical Example
"I finally submitted the report. I can breathe easier now."
"After hearing the test results were negative, I could finally breathe easier."
●Extra Example
◎Extra Example
"Once we got the approval from the boss, the whole team could breathe easier."
"She called to say she got home safe. I can finally breathe easier now."