ring inは「(会社などに)電話を入れる」の意味のほか、「(新年などを)鐘を鳴らして迎える」の意味でも使われる。今日のGetUpEnglishは、「(新年などを)鐘を鳴らして迎える」の意味で使われるring inの使い方を学習する。
○Practical Example
"How are you planning to ring in the new year this time, Tomomi?"
"I think I'll ring it in with my parents at home, watching the countdown on TV."
"Where did you ring in the new year last year, Naoko?"
"I rang it in on a beach in Hawaii. It was amazing!"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Are you going to the city to ring in the new year, Fumiko?"
"No, I prefer staying in and having a quiet night with friends."