figuresは「数字」。こうした数字を示す表現は、「量」はどれくらいであるかもほのめかす(だいたいは「お金がどれくらい」であるかを示す)。figuresは実際、日本の「桁」に近い。したがって、five figuresと言えば、例えば$45,000のような5桁の数字、six figuresと言えば、例えば$871,000のような6桁の数字、seven figuresと言えば、例えば$2,000,000(こんな額の数字を銀行で見たら、とてもうれしいですね[wouldn't it be nice to see it in the bank]⇒このwouldn't it be niceという表現は、2006/04/19のGetUpEnglishを参照)のような7桁の数字を示す。
○Practical Example
"How much was the contract for renovating the building, Mr. Cramp?"
"The contract was for six figures, Mr. Foot, but no one knows exactly how much."
●Extra Point
figureは形容詞としても用いられる。five-figure sum(5桁の合計額)、six-figure amount(6桁の量)、seven-figure deal(7桁の取引)といいうように。
◎Extra Example
"I heard that the renovation required a six-figure amount."
"Six-figure? More like seven. It was a seven-figure sum, Mr. Legge."
「6桁だって? いや、7桁だ。何だかんだ言って7桁かかってしまったよ(つまり100万ドル以上)、レッゲさん」
驚かれるかもしれないが、欧米の多くの大学では、一度大学を卒業して、再び勉強をしようという人たちは、 全体の学生数の3分の1ぐらいを占める。そういった学生たちは、mature age studentsと呼ばれる。
○Practical Example
"My mum's a mature age student who's gone back to university to do a computer course."
"That's great, Margaret. She can help you with your homework now."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"My mom was a full-time mature age student and now has a great job at LiveWindow."
"Awesome. Do you think she would hire me?"
a breath of fresh airは、「さわやかな風のそよぎ」だが、「 気分を一新してくれるもの」「新風」という意味でよく用いられる。
○Practical Example
"Now that Wally has become president, things are going to be a lot better at our company."
"Yeah, he's like a breath of fresh air."
●Extra Point
似たような意味を表現する別の言い方に、a change for the betterがある。
◎Extra Example
"Now that Wally is president, there's going to be a change for the better."
"Yeah. His new policies will be like a breath of fresh air around here."
誰もがジャムは好きだろう。しかし、今日はこのjamを使った誰もが好きじゃないことを示す表現を二つ紹介する。 一つはtraffic jam(交通渋滞)だ。
○Practical Example
"How long did it take you to get out of Tokyo, Shintaro?"
"About four hours. There was a traffic jam for about 60 kilometres."
●Extra Point
in a jamで、「困難や窮地にある」。状況によっては、「困ってしまって」。
◎Extra Example
"I'm in a real jam because of that damn newspaper article."
"Well, Shintaro, you shouldn't have given money to that friend of yours."
to take turnsは「(…・・・を)交替でする」「代わり番こにする」という意味で用いられる。
○Practical Example
"Rudy and his wife took turns cooking dinner."
"He cooks on Mondays and she on Tuesdays. Like that."
●Extra Point
"It's my (her, his, their, etc.) turn"という言い方もする。
◎Extra Example
"Whose turn is it to drive to the soccer game this Saturday?"
"It's mine. Victoria drove last time and David drove the time before that."
to outdoは、「・・・・・・にまさる、・・・・・・をしのぐ」「・・・・・・に打ち勝つ」。状況によっては、「・・・・・・を超える」という感じ。
○Practical Example
"Kenji outdid Ryunosuke on the math exam."
"Of course he did. All he ever does is study."
●Extra Point
to be outdoneと受身形でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Kenji won't be outdone by anyone when it comes to grades."
"Yeah. He's such a model student. How boring!"
model studentは「優等生」。
under no circumstancesで、「どんなことがあっても・・・・・・ない、決して・・・・・・ない」。
○Practical Example
"Rafael, are you planning on going to San Antonio?"
"Under no circumstances, Salvador. I never want to go there again."
●Extra Point
by no meansも似たような意味で用いられる。
◎Extra Example
"By no means will I ever accept money from my Uncle Sam."
"Good. He gives you money but then tells you how you have to spend it."
funnily enoughは「妙なことに(は)」という意味を示し、よく用いられる。 状況によっては、「(まったく)奇遇ですね」に近いかもしれない。
○Practical Example
"I was in Germany when I was little."
"Funnily enough, so was I, Mr. Mori."
●Extra Point
strangely enoughも似たような意味を示す。
◎Extra Example
"I was in France when I was little."
"Strangely enough, so was I, Mr. Nagai."
2006/11/02と2006/11/03のGetUpEnglishでto bring upの意味を二つ紹介した。本日は同じto bringを使ったちょっと違う意味の表現を紹介する。to bring oneself to do somethingで、「(人を)(・・・・・・へ)導く」「(・・・・・・する)気にさせる」という意味。
○Practical Example
"What brought you to Japan, Lafcadio?"
"Me? Oh, I fell in love with traditional woodblock prints and realized I just had to come here."
「ぼくですか? そうですね、日本の伝統的な木版画が好きになってしまって、それでこの国に来なくちゃならないと思いました」
●Extra Point
to bring something on yourselfは、「自分に災いなどもたらす」という意味で、状況によっては「すべて自分が悪い、自業自得」という感じになる。
◎Extra Example
"How did Tatyana lose her money and everything?"
"She told Eugene, 'Go to hell.' He left her. She brought it all on herself."
anti-は「反対・敵対・対抗・排斥」を示す接頭辞。pro-はその反対で「・・・・・・賛成の、・・・…ひいきの」を示す接頭辞。多くの単語の前に付く。最近はハイフンなしで使われることも多い。 まずはanti-の用例を挙げる。
○Practical Example
"There was a huge antiwar demonstration in Washington a while ago."
"That's right. It was not only antiwar. It was anti-Bush as well."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Examples
"There is a lot of anti-Japanese sentiment in China these days."
"That's right. But there are many people there who are pro-Japanese too."
to fazeは「口もきけないほどびっくりさせる、(・・・・・・の)心を騒がせる、あわてさせる」の意味でよく用いられる。to faze someone out(人の心を騒がせる、度を失わせる)の形でよく用いられる。
○Practical Example
"My boss really fazes me out."
"Me too. He walks into my room and says, 'Stop staring at your computer and get to work!'"
●Extra Point
to fazeは否定形でよく用いられる。
◎Extra Example
"Threats by the boss don't faze me at all."
"Yeah, I'm unfazed by them too. He can go to hell."
in any caseは、「どんな場合でも、いずれにせよ、とにかく」。
○Practical Example
"They say the Hokusai exhibit is only a small one."
"No matter. I'm going in any case. I love his work so much."
●Extra Point
whatever the case(may be)も似た意味で用いられる。「どんなことがあっても」という意味になる。
◎Extra Example
"I've heard that the Hokusai exhibit is only a small one."
"Never mind. Whatever the case, I'm going. I love his work so much."
○Practical Example
"The golf tournament was positively gripping, wasn't it, Norm?"
"Yes, Ben. Tiger Woods was simply awesome."
awesomeの使い方は、2006/04/23, あるいは2007/01/30のGetUpEnglishを参照。
●Extra Point
to gripと動詞としてもよく用いられる。
◎Extra Example
"The speech by Nelson Mandela really gripped me."
"Me, too. I was so impressed by his every word."
○Practical Example
"Well, has Bill asked you out yet, Hilary?"
"No, the dope doesn't realize how much I like him."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Do you think there will be a doping problem at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing?"
"I hope not. It's not fair on the athletes who don't take drugs."
the tipは、何かの「先、先端、先っぽ」。これを用いた表現でよく使われるものが二つある。一つはtip of…で用いられるが、これは「氷山の一角」という意味。
○Practical Example
"There's a lot of bullying these days at middle schools in Japan."
"That's just the tip of the iceberg. Bullying goes on in companies and universities, too."
●Extra Point
「(のどまで出かかっているのに)思い出せなくて」という時は、on the tip of my tongueという。
◎Extra Example
"Hey, Serena, what did you say the name of that Japanese tennis player was?"
"Oh, Martina, it's on the tip of my tongue. Give me a second and I'll remember it."