in additionは、「加うるに、さらに、その上」。
○Practical Example
“What did you drink last night, George?”
“I drank whisky, in addition to wine, beer and Japanese sake.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I want you to wash the dishes, do the ironing and, in addition, paint the walls in the bedroom.”
“No problem, Sarah. Leave everything to me.”
○Practical Example
“Astronomers are looking for new planets outside the Solar System.”
“I’m sure that there is life on other planets. Maybe they even have McDonalds there!”
●Extra Point
昨日のGetUpEnglishの例文で見たように、the planetで、the Earth(地球)を指すこともよくある。
◎Extra Example
“I’m worried about the state of the planet.”
“Don’t worry, Al. Everything will work out okay.”
to accumulateは、「(少しずつ)ためる、[財産などを]蓄積する」。
○Practical Example
“I’ve accumulated so much junk in the house, I have no empty space in my closets.”
“Well, Sarah, you’ll just have to throw out all the stuff.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“The accumulation of knowledge about climate will help us save the planet.”
“That’s right, Al. We should accumulate as much knowledge as possible.”
『Save the Earth』(田辺千景、藤澤陽子編、研究社)
○Practical Example
“I want to emulate Obama. He worked for the poor people in Chicago.”
“Go for it, Yasuo! But first you have to graduate university.”
「康夫、がんばりなさい! でも、まずは大学を卒業しないと」
●Extra Point
to emulate the success of(……の成功に学ぶ)という言い方もよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
“I want to emulate Obama’s success. He’s my role model.”
“He has achieved a great deal in a short time.”
role modelは、「(特定の役割において)手本[模範]とされる人」。