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2021-10-17 08:55:15 | H

 how can ...?はいろんな場面で使われるし、意味も問題なく取れると思うが、日本語に訳出する際には少し工夫したほうがいいかもしれない。


 how can you get?で、「[形容詞 crazy, stupid, mean, selfish, ungrateful, lucky などを加えて] 《略式》 なんという…だ《問題になっている人について驚き・不信・非難を表わす》」(コンパスローズ)

○Practical Example

 He didn't give me a hand with my trunk! How unkind can you get?

 あいつトランクを運ぶのに手も貸してくれなかった. 不親切な男もいたもんだ.(コンパスローズ)

●Extra Point

『マンダロリアン』でアーマラーはHow can...?を使ってこの名ゼリフを残している。

◎Extra Example

“When one chooses to walk the Way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey. How can one be a coward if one chooses this way of life?” —The Armorer


『スター・ウォーズ 「マンダロリアン」 シーズン1 公式アートブック』がグラフィック社より12月に発売になります。


 This is the way.



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2021-10-16 07:31:44 | C

 dropoutは「脱落者」「落後者」のことだが、「自ら進んで落後する人」のことも指す。corporate dropoutは「脱サラした人」。


  〇Practical Example

 He became a corporate dropout and started a cake shop.


●Extra Example

 Asahi Weekly, October 17のPhrase It Rightに、この表現があった。

◎Extra Example

  After five years working for the company, Yoko signed off and went into business by herself. I wish I could follow suit to become a corporate dropout.


 sign off: 仕事をやめる

 follow suit: 人のまねをする、先例に従う

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George Floyd memorial statue in New York City defaced again

2021-10-15 09:52:02 | News

George Floyd memorial statue in New York City defaced again



A statue honoring George Floyd in New York City’s Union Square Park was vandalized on Sunday, police said.

 deface(d):  (見出し)汚損する

 vandalize: (公共物・建物などを)心なく破壊する、汚損する

According to police, a video showed an unidentified man on a skateboard throwing paint on the statue at approximately 10 a.m. then fleeing. Nearby statues of late Congressman John Lewis and Breonna Taylor, a Louisville, Kentucky, woman shot and killed by police last year, apparently weren’t touched.

Police have not released the video.

Sunday's act wasn't the first example of vandalism to the statue memorializing Floyd, whose killing at the hands of police in Minneapolis last year galvanized a racial justice movement across the country.

 galvanize(d): ~を勢いづける

The statue was unveiled on the Juneteenth holiday in a spot on Flatbush Avenue, in Brooklyn, and it was vandalized five days later with black paint and marked with an alleged logo of a white supremacist group.

 unveil(ed): ~のベール[覆い]を取る、~の除幕式を行なう

 white supremacist group:白人至上主義団体

Members of the group that installed the statue cleaned it, and local residents and one of Floyd’s brothers gathered in July as it was prepared to move to Union Square, in the heart of Manhattan.

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Tanzanian novelist Gurnah wins 2021 Nobel for depicting impact of colonialism, migration

2021-10-14 08:26:30 | News

 2021年のノーベル文学賞はタンザニア出身のブドゥルラザク・グルナ(1948- )氏が受賞した。


Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature "for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee," the award-giving body said on Thursday.

 uncompromising and compassionate penetration: 妥協のない共感にあふれた洞察


 a man of penetration 洞察力のある人(コンパスローズ)

Based in Britain and writing in English, Gurnah, 72, joins Nigeria's Wole Soyinka as the only two non-white writers from sub-Saharan Africa ever to win what is widely seen as the world's most prestigious literary award.

 Wole Soyinka:詩人で劇作家のウォーレン・ショインカ(1934- )

 sub-Saharan: サハラ砂漠以南の

His novels include "Paradise", set in colonial East Africa during World War One and short-listed for the Booker Prize for Fiction, and "Desertion."

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2021-10-13 07:21:01 | S

  shovel in (the) moneyで「金をどしどしもうける、大儲けする」


○Practical Example

"In the 1990s, the columnist was really shoveling in the money." 

"No one knows what he is doing now."



●Extra Point


○Extra Example

"Translation might be my natural calling.  It may not let me shovel in the money, but there is a kind of satisfaction that tons of cash can’t buy."




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he was the rock the rest of it was built around...

2021-10-12 08:21:30 | News

 The Rolling Stonesの世界ツアーがはじまった。

 The Rolling Stone誌が伝えている。


The Rolling Stones have kept a low public profile since the death of Charlie Watts on August 24th, but in a series of new interviews with longtime Rolling Stone writer David Fricke, they talk about the devastating loss, moving forward with drummer Steve Jordan, the song selection for their upcoming tour, and a possible continuation of the tour next year, which happens to be their 60th anniversary.

 keep(kept) a low (public) profile: 目立たない


○Practical Example

 Ever since they bombed with his last show, that band's been keeping a low profile.


The main topic through all of the interviews was the loss of Watts. “The thing about Charlie was that he was always there, always played beautifully and was always willing to discuss what to do about it – how he could make it better,” Mick Jagger said. “He held the band together for so long, musically, because he was the rock the rest of it was built around … The thing he brought was this beautiful sense of swing and swerve that most bands wish they could have. We had some really nice conversations in the last couple of years about how all this happened with the band. It’s a huge loss to us all. It’s very, very hard.”

 he was the rock the rest of it was built around: 彼は岩で、その上にほかのものが作られた



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"We were them:" Vietnamese Americans help Afghan refugees

2021-10-11 08:40:05 | News





In the faces of Afghans desperate to leave their country after U.S. forces withdrew, Thuy Do sees her own family, decades earlier and thousands of miles away.

A 39-year-old doctor in Seattle, Washington, Do remembers hearing how her parents sought to leave Saigon after Vietnam fell to communist rule in 1975 and the American military airlifted out allies in the final hours. It took years for her family to finally get out of the country, after several failed attempts, and make their way to the United States, carrying two sets of clothes a piece and a combined $300. When they finally arrived, she was 9 years old.

These stories and early memories drove Do and her husband Jesse Robbins to reach out to assist Afghans fleeing their country now. The couple has a vacant rental home and decided to offer it up to refugee resettlement groups, which furnished it for newly arriving Afghans in need of a place to stay.

"We were them 40 years ago," Do said. "With the fall of Saigon in 1975, this was us."

Television images of Afghans vying for spots on U.S. military flights out of Kabul evoked memories for many Vietnamese Americans of their own attempts to escape a falling Saigon more than four decades ago. The crisis in Afghanistan has reopened painful wounds for many of the country's 2 million Vietnamese Americans and driven some elders to open up about their harrowing departures to younger generations for the first time.

 vie(vying) for spots on U.S. military flights: アメリカ軍の航空機の座席を競いあう

 vie: 競う、競争する

○Practical Example

 Ten teams vied with one another for [to win] the championship.

「10 チームが互いに選手権を目ざして競い合った」(コンパスローズ)

 harrowing: おそろしい



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2021-10-10 06:39:25 | Y

『スター・ウォーズ』実写ドラマ『マンダロリアン』の製作総指揮者のひとり、ジョン・ファヴローは、『スター・ウォーズ 「マンダロリアン」 シーズン1 公式アートブック』で、最初の『スター・ウォーズ』作品『エピソード4』について、次のように買っている。

“As a ten-year-old, it was brand new. But my father knew what was going to happen. There weren’t too many surprises to somebody who’s seen a lot of movies and read a lot of books. I didn’t know what was going to happen next, but I knew it was satisfying. As a human being, these were stories that you yearned to hear. Even when you’re familiar with the stories, you yearn to hear them again if they’re told well and in an original way.



○Practical Example

  Obi-Won yearns to return to the past.


『スター・ウォーズ 「マンダロリアン」 シーズン1 公式アートブック』、どうにか訳了。



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2021-10-09 08:59:22 | S



○Practical Example

 Most of the patients are heavily sedated.


●Extra Point


◎Extra Example

 The blurrgs had to be sedated before they were removed from the trap.



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"We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to 'speak yourself.'”

2021-10-08 08:44:07 | S

 今頃ですが、BTSのKim Nam Jun (RM)がこんな立派なスピーチをしていることを知りました。

"After releasing the “Love Yourself” albums and launching the “Love Myself” campaign, we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the world, how our message helped them overcome their hardships in life and start loving themselves. These stories constantly remind us of our responsibility.

"So, let’s all take one more step. We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to “speak yourself.”

"I would like to ask all of you. What is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat?

"Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice, and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin colour, gender identity: speak yourself.

"Find your name, find your voice by speaking yourself.



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2021-10-07 08:55:05 | S

 句動詞shop aroundで、「(買う前に)商品[店]を見比べて歩く; (決める前に)比較検討する, 捜し回る (for)」(コンパスローズ)


 Asahi Weekly, October 3, 2021の和田明郎記者のPhrase It Rightに、以下の例文があった。

○Practical Example

“Look.  This robotic cleaner on this ad is a real bargain. “

“Wait a minute. Let me shop around for the best deal for the same model on the internet.”



●Extra Point


◎Extra Example

"You should shop around for the best translation workshop that fits your budget and objective."




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2021-10-06 08:14:14 | E



○Practical Example

“It’s been exuberance. The ultimate sandbox and inspired flow.”


●Extra Point


◎Extra Example

"There was huge exuberance in the hall BTS sang and danced, with people throwing comments around in a great variety of languages."


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2021-10-05 08:37:19 | S

 slouchは「だめ[下手]な人」であるが、be no slouch (at [as] something)で、「…がとてもうまい」の意味でよく使われる。


○Practical Example

 Mika is certainly no slouch at sales. He's been the company's top salesperson for the past three years.


●Extra Point


◎Extra Example

 He is an excellent lecturer, and no slouch as translator, either.



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2021-10-04 07:50:03 | H

 heartthrobは「心臓の鼓動、動悸」であるが、「すてきな人[男性], あこがれの的《特に映画スター・歌手》」(リーダーズ)の意味でもよく使われる。


○Practical Example

  Liz had heartthrobs whenever she met Peter in the corridor. She was hoping he'd ask her to the prom.


『スパイダーマン: ホームカミング』に出てきたリズは今どうしているのか?

●Extra Point


○Extra Example

 South Korean heartthrob boy band BTS took their act to a global stage September 20 at the United Nations headquarters in New York, where they made a presentation to rally support for the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).  With permission, the group also recorded a video of their new track, “Permission to Dance,” in the General Assembly.

 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)は、「(国連の定める)持続可能な開発目標」



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2021-10-03 00:15:15 | S



○Practical Example

  Can the specifications for this software be drawn up by next week?


●Extra Point


Extra Example

  Thank you for contacting Nakano Translation about this opportunity.  We would like to bid on this work.  Please forward the specifications, and I will begin working up the bid.




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