ColdplayとBTSがコラボした”My Universe”, これは信じられないくらいクールだ。
“You are my universe”, のuniverseは、
「[しばしば所有格とともに用いて] 世界; 領域, 分野」(コンパスローズ)
○Practical Example
My two daughters are the center of my universe.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
내 우주의 넌 또 다른 세상을 만들어 주는 걸
You in my universe,
You make me a different world
너는 내 별이자 나의 우주니까 지금 이 시련도 결국엔 잠시니까
you are my star and my universe
Even this ordeal now is only for a while
○Practical Example
Care Dune and Greef Karga planned a disturbance while Mando and IG-11would sally toward the gate.
●Extra Point
sally forth(勇んで出ていく、出撃[出陣]する)の形で少し滑稽な意味合いで使われる。
◎Extra Example
The lecturer foolishly sallied forth into the rain without an umbrella and caught a cold.