seeing asは、「……であることを考えると、……であるから、……を見ると」の意味で使われる。接続詞。sinceに近い意味で用いられる。
◯Practical Example
"This is certainly an expensive room, Mr. Yamauchi."
"It ought to be, seeing as how it's the closest to the Tokyo Sky Tree."
●Extra Point
もう一例。エリック・クラプトン(Eric Clapton, 1944- )はその自伝Clapton: The Autobiographyで、こんなことを言っている。
◎Extra Example
"One of the songs I had started was coming along quite well, and I was very proud of my inventiveness in the verse. This was “Let It Grow,” and it was several years before I realized that I had totally ripped off “Stairway to Heaven,” the famous Zeppelin anthem, a cruel justice seeing as how I’d always been such a severe critic of theirs."