本日(11/19)発売の「週刊新潮」11月26日号に『最後のダ・ヴィンチの真実 510億円の「傑作」に群がった欲望』の書評が掲載されました。
柳美里さんの『JR上野駅公園口』(Tokyo Ueno Station, モーガン・ジャイルズ訳)が全米図書賞の翻訳文学部門に選ばれるといううれしいニュースが入ってきた。
National Book Awardのサイトには次のように記されている。
Tokyo Ueno Station
Winner, National Book Awards 2020 for Translated Literature
From the publisher:
Kazu is dead. Born in Fukushima in 1933, the same year as the Japanese Emperor, his life is tied by a series of coincidences to the Imperial family and has been shaped at every turn by modern Japanese history. But his life story is also marked by bad luck, and now, in death, he is unable to rest, doomed to haunt the park near Ueno Station in Tokyo.
Kazu’s life in the city began and ended in that park; he arrived there to work as a laborer in the preparations for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and ended his days living in the vast homeless village in the park, traumatized by the destruction of the 2011 tsunami and shattered by the announcement of the 2020 Olympics.
Through Kazu’s eyes, we see daily life in Tokyo buzz around him and learn the intimate details of his personal story, how loss and society’s inequalities and constrictions spiraled towards this ghostly fate, with moments of beauty and grace just out of reach. A powerful masterwork from one of Japan’s most brilliant outsider writers, Tokyo Ueno Station is a book for our times and a look into a marginalized existence in a shiny global megapolis.
Judges Citation
This deft translation by Morgan Giles of Korean-Japanese writer Yu Miri’s Tokyo Ueno Station is a welcome and necessary addition to the translated Japanese canon, which unfolds in the memories of a deceased narrator occupying the eponymous train station. The book is an observation of Japan at the gateway of its capital, at multiple thresholds of shifting eras, told in the bardo of a mourning father and compatriot, reciting his surroundings and circumstances as if a prayer, a mantra.
Don Quixote, eponymous hero of the great novel by Cervantes.
bardoは「チベット仏教」で「中有(ちゅうう), 中陰, バルド《死者が輪廻転生するまでの期間; 日本でいう四十九日》」(リーダーズ)。