レアジョブ英会話のDaily News Articleは参考になる。
The broadcaster in question, Tohokushinsha Film Corp., employs Suga’s eldest son. That has raised suspicions of cronyism in a nation where plum jobs are often hard to come by without connections.
cronyism / ˈkroʊ niˌɪz əm / (n) – the practice in which a powerful person gives important jobs or positions to friends instead of qualified people
Example: Many people think the senator is guilty of cronyism because his wife and closest friends are part of his staff.
cronyismは「《特に 政治家の》友人関係によるえこひいき, 縁故主義, 身びいき」(リーダーズ)のこと。
plum / plʌm / (adj) – extremely desirable
Example: Jerry was able to get a plum job as a reporter for the country’s leading TV network.
plumはこの場合「《特に 政治家が与える》割のいい仕事」(リーダーズ)のこと。