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Baseball manga pioneer Shinji Mizushima dies at 82

2022-02-02 06:25:18 | News



Manga artist Shinji Mizushima, who parlayed his love of baseball into manga series that were beloved by fans and the players alike, died of pneumonia on Jan. 10. He was 82.

 parlay(ed) ... into: ~に情熱を注ぎこむ。


○Practical Example

 Yves Bouvie parlayed a small inheritance into millions of dollars on the stock market.


 pneumonia: 肺炎

Mizushima is widely known for his long-running baseball manga series that included actual players in the action, including “Dokaben” and “Abu-san.”

He was born in Niigata Prefecture. After he finished junior high school, he started to work at a seafood wholesaler. At that time, he entered a manga competition for new artists and received a prize.

Mizushima scored a hit with his baseball manga series “Otoko Do Aho Koshien,” which began to be carried in a weekly magazine from 1970.

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