Winifred Bird, Eating Wild Japan: Tracking the Culture of Foraged Foods, with a Guide to Plants and Recipes
〇Practical Example
To throw a few wild vegetables onto a lacquered dinner tray as a symbol of spring is practically a cliché of the Japanese country inn; to serve them without fail from spring through fall is evidence of immense foraging skill. To do so, the chef-gatherer must know how to follow varieties both common and obscure across the seasons and also where to find them and how they might be affected by variations in temperature or rainfall.
このthrowは「コンパスローズ」にある通り、「〈物〉を(…に)さっとのせる (on, around)」ということ。
○Extra Point
◎Extra Example
What do you say we throw him a little dinner party to give him a boost?
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
She'll throw a fit if she finds out.