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Japan’s nationalist firebrand Shintaro Ishihara dies at 89

2022-02-10 08:43:24 | News



Shintaro Ishihara, a fiery nationalist politician remembered as Tokyo’s gaffe-prone governor who provoked a spat with China by calling for Japan’s purchase of disputed islands in the East China Seas, has died. He was 89.

 gaffe-prone: 失言の多い

 spat: 論争、口喧嘩

 disputed islands: 係争中の諸島。尖閣諸島のこと。

Ishihara, an award-winning novelist before he became a politician, was remembered for his controversial views and provocative remarks that often angered women and rights groups during his 30-year tenure as a lawmaker, mostly as a member of the governing Liberal Democratic Party.

 controversial views and provocative remarks: 物議を醸す意見と挑発的な発言

Ishihara, who was being treated for pancreatic cancer and was in hospital since December, was still writing until last week, when his condition suddenly deteriorated and he died Tuesday morning, the family announced.

 pancreatic cancer:すい臓がん

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