get [catch] wind of... は「(うわさ・秘密など)をかぎつける、…に感づく」。
○Practical Example
That's sailing too close to the wind for me. If the authorities get wind of our activities, they could raise all kinds of difficulties.
sail close to the windで、「(道徳、法律、礼儀などに逆らって)きわどいことをする[言う]」
●Extra Point
Winifred Bird, Eating Wild Japan: Tracking the Culture of Foraged Foods, with a Guide to Plants and Recipes
◎Extra Example
It turned out that a timber dealer had gotten wind of the valuable trees that still remained along property lines and river bottoms and had started making visits to the homes of their elderly owners (in Kutsuki, most forested land is privately held, which distinguishes it from other communities).