重度の自閉症を抱えながら、ふたつの大きな奨学金を得て、オックスフォード大学大学院で修士課程も修了したJory Flemingさん。
How to Be Human: An Autistic Man's Guide to Life
By Jory Fleming With Lyric Winik
Dear Mr. Fleming and Ms. Winik,
I am happy to inform you that I have already finished translating the text and forwarded my draft to the expert editors Mr. Shuniciro(Shun) Nagashima and Natsuki Takahashi at Bungei Shunju, which is one of the leading publishers in Japan.
After having discussed with Shun and Natsuki in detail how to compile and market our translated book, I’d like to consult with you two matters.
1. If possible, I would like to introduce both of you to your Japanese audience through a modern media tool. The interview would be uploaded to YouTube. My editors and I would like to use our interview in various media to draw our readers in.
Here's an example of how I envision your interview:
Daniel Wallace
William C. Rempel
Charlie Wetzel
Matt Taddy
Ben Lewis