to keep an eye on…で、「……から目を離さないでいる、監視して[見張って]いる」。
○Practical Example
"Molly, would you keep an eye on the baby while I'm out?"
"Sure, Fumiko. I'd be glad to."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Keep your eye on the ball, Matsui!"
"Sorry, coach. I lost my concentration."
誰かとto hit offするといえば、 その人と「仲よくやる、そりが合う、馬が合う、相性がいい」
○Practical Example
"Hey, Drew. How did you get along with Mike?"
"We hit if off from the first moment we met. What a great guy!"
●Extra Point
to click(意気投合する、馬が合う)でも同じような意味が表現できる。
◎Extra Example
"Mike and I clicked from the moment we met."
"That's great, Drew, because you and he will be working with each other here."
to crack upは、「げらげら笑わせる」という意味で大変よく使われる。
○Practical Example
"Did you see the film 'Borat', Kaori?"
"Yeah. That actor really cracks me up. He's so funny."
●Extra Point
名詞形crack up, あるいはcrack-upも非常によく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"That actor is a real crack-up."
"Yeah. He's so funny. He really cracks me up."
○Practical Example
"Why weren't you in class yesterday, Ichiro?"
"I have an excuse, Prof. Matsui. I was attending my grandmother's funeral."
●Extra Point
no excuse(弁解できない、言いわけできない、申し開きできない、言い開きできない)と否定形でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Why weren't you in class yesterday, Ichiro?"
"I have no excuse, Prof. Matsui. I'm really sorry."
○Practical Example
"Mr. Kondo is simply no good at administration."
"Yeah, he's better at sales. They should have put him in the sales department instead of the personnel department."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"What do you think of the Bush administration, Mr. Volpone?"
"Well, what do you think of the Abe administration, Mr. Falstaff?"
○Practical Example
"There has been a drastic lowering in income among many people in Japan."
"It's awful. The government ought to do something about it."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Oh, I'm so miserable. Mary has left me and I just want to die."
"Come on, Richard. Don't sound so drastic. Just forget about her."
○Practical Example
"The university issued an official order."
"I heard. They're closing down for a week because of measles."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Hey, Angela, it's official. I now have a master's and I can start looking for a job."
"Great news, Nicholas. Why don't you come and work in Germany?"
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Mr. Yase is an official from the Foreign Ministry."
"Oh, so that's why his English is so good."
to awaitは「待つ、待ちうける」。基本的に二つの使い方がある。
○Practical Example
"Have you found out about the test, Rupert?"
"No. I'm still awaiting the result. Shit, I hope I passed."
●Extra Point
時にはある出来事が人を「待つ、待ちうける」(to wait)することがある。それで「何かが起こる」ことがほのめかされる。
◎Extra Example
"Rupert said he was going to lie about his university record in the interview."
"If he does that, a real disaster is awaiting him someday. It's better to tell the truth from the beginning."
to wipe outは、「(……の)中を(ふく[掃除する]」「一掃する」。
○Practical Example
"Wouldn't it be great if we could wipe out malaria."
"Yes, it would. But I think we're a long way from being able to do that."
●Extra Point
to wipe outは、「(敵などを)全滅させる、死滅させる」の意味でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Americans almost entirely wiped out the native population of their country."
"That's right. But most Americans realize now that this was wrong."
誰かが亡くなると、普通はお葬式をする。「お葬式をする」は、英語ではよくto hold a funeralと言う。
○Practical Example
"Isn't it a shame about Prof. Noritake."
"Yes. Do you know where the funeral is going to be held?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Did you go to Prof. Noritake's wake?"
"Yes, I did. It was so nice, because all of his former students were there."
ところで、ぼくは映画『明日への遺言』(Best Wishes for Tomorrow)の脚本を小泉堯史監督と一緒に書き、さらに巣鴨プリズンの所長の役で出演もさせていただくことになりました。
○Practical Example
"What did Ms. Li die of?"
"She died of natural causes. She was 94."
●Extra Point
to die fromもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"What did Ms. Li die from?"
"She died from old age. She was 94."
○Practical Example
"Mika and John are celebrating their first wedding anniversary on Saturday."
"Well, we're not invited, so I don't give a damn!"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Oh, honey, tomorrow is our anniversary."
"I know, sweetheart. We met for the first time exactly six months ago."
○Practical Example
"Ellie, today's my birthday."
"Oh my God, Nellie. It's mine, too. Amazing!"
●Extra Point
誰かの誕生日には、a happy birthday(誕生日、おめでとう)と言って祝う。
◎Extra Example
"I hope you have a very happy birthday today, Nellie."
"You, too, Ellie."
今日紹介する"Me, too"と"Me, neither"の二つの表現はよく似ているが、"Me, too"が肯定文で、"Me, neither"が否定文で使われることが多い。しかし、"Me, too"は否定文でも使われることがある。 まずはよく使われる用例を挙げる。
○Practical Example
"I'm really excited about our trip next week to Okinawa."
"Me, too. I've always wanted to go there."
「来週の沖縄旅行がほんとうに楽しみだわ」 「わたしもよ。ずっと沖縄に行ってみたかった」
●Extra Point
つづいて、"Me, neither."の用例を。
◎Extra Example
"I don't like the way Prof. Akiyama is always telling us to study, study, study."
"Me, neither. If his lectures were more interesting, maybe we would study more."
☆Extra Extra Point
では、"Me, too"が否定文で使われる用例を。
★Extra Extra Example
"I don't like the way Prof. Akiyama is always telling us to study, study, study."
"Me, too. If his lectures were more interesting, maybe we would study more."
この場合の"Me, too" は、"Me, too; I don't like it either."を縮めた言い方。
************************************************************************************************** さて、本日は、東工大で、カメルーン出身のシンガーソングライター・ワッシー氏が、宮沢賢治の詩を題材に書き下ろした新曲を発表します。その後に、ぼくと女優のふるたこうこさんが、日本語と英語で宮沢賢治の詩の朗読を行ないます。東工大大岡山キャンパス西9号館ディジタル多目的ホールで、18時30分からです。誰でも無料で参加できます。申し込みも不要です。ぜひお越しください!
A night of Miyazawa Kenji's poetry in words and music. In Japanese and English Performed by Cameroonian singer/songwriter Wouassi,actress Koko Furuta and Roger Pulvers
○Practical Example
“Mrs. Ross had a stroke last week.”
“I understand that she is recovering well. Is that right?”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Mrs. Ross gets around really well in her wheelchair.”
“Yes, she’s undergoing rehabilitation and may walk again soon.”