季節の中で 暮らしの中で -Through the seasons and daily life-

-old & country style in modern urban life

お宝出現! Treasure was exposed.

2010-11-04 08:56:41 | ウールクラフト WoolCraft
A few days ago, when my husband opened his drawer I found something familier but didn't see for a long long time.
This is it!


My mother in low found recently and send to him.
This is the first knit work in my life. I made this for him about 30 years ago.
This maybe washed in a washingmachine so shurunk a bit,too small for him now.
I tried. It's a litle bit short but fits me.

あの頃の私の気分はthe Beatles の Every little thing。歌詞やメロディーもさることながら、ティンパニの音がハートのドキドキ感みたい。
My feeling at the time many years ago was like this. From " Every little thing " by the Beatles.This sound from tinpani is like heart beat.

When I'm with him I'm happy. Just know that he loves me.
There is one thing I'm sure of. I will love him forever.

At that time my mom said "It's too early to knit for him, because it take so much energy and it last so long."
But I never thought to go away from him.

Then we are together still now. I'm lucky.I'm happy to see this.
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