季節の中で 暮らしの中で -Through the seasons and daily life-

-old & country style in modern urban life

ダウンに包まれて  Fermentation in dawn vest

2010-11-09 09:39:25 | 暮らし Daily life
"I don't need these ones." My son took some cloths. In thise years he is growing so well. Last year's cloths are all too small.
He was a"tiny boy" all the time in his life before, but not now.

In Japan we have a fairy tale called "3 years Sleeping boy". Like this he sleeps very well all the time.It's the most important thing for him now.
I can see everytime when he gets up he looks bigger than before.

I asked" Where is the pretty tiny little my boy?"
He said " He's gone!" I'm so sorry. Now a big naughty boy is here.

He said this down vest is not enough good to keep because of the quality.
So I sew all around it and use as a warmer for fermentation of bread.


It fits the dough box. It looks perfect. The dough must be comfortable in the down luxury situation.

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