季節の中で 暮らしの中で -Through the seasons and daily life-

-old & country style in modern urban life

Hi! from Colombo.

2013-07-20 02:40:21 | International
In this 1 week,I went here and there and now I came back to Colombo again.
I went to Dambulla, visited a safali though I could see no animals there but so exciting! visited a cave temple.
And as I wished could meet with Ena. She is now 91 years old but she looks fine and healthy for her age.
I am surprised to see she start in the morning with a cup of strong coffe and eat much meat and less vegitables.
She prefer fruits or icecreams every after meals and loves chocolates!
Maybe it is not the nutritions but how the person enjoys their meals to live longer.

We talked a lot about society and family and how to live and so on and so on and so on .....
We had a whole day and a half together so we had enough time to talk each other.
And I could see the women in the batik working place. We are sooooo happy to be together and I showed how to make Nuno felt for them. I will show the picture later.

Ena, the women, every staff in the house were happy to see again. I found I really love to be there with them.
I wish I would come there again.
On the way from there to Colombo, we had so much traffic jams so it took more than 5 hours!
Now I got shower and feel cool and fine.

Next Monday will be Poya day, and they have some ceremony here.I am looking forward to see the holiday to celebrate the full moon.

I spend nice tasty happy days here in Sri lanka, just missing my husband and children.
I am fine here. not to be worried anything.

I will enjoy some more days here and go back to Japan!
For all of you too, Have a nice holiday and enjoy summer!

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