○Practical Example
“It’s a painstaking job, but I am determined to finish knitting this sweater by tomorrow.”
“Go for it, Ms. Ito. It looks beautiful.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I spent years painstakingly learning how to cook, but I’m still a hopeless cook.”
“Don’t worry, Bea. You can always let Jay cook for you.”
to loomで、「ぼんやりと現われる、ぼうっと見える」「(危険・心配など)気味悪く迫る、のしかかるように[大きく]現われる」。
○Practical Example
“The mountains were looming in front of us, and I knew we could never get over them.”
“You shouldn’t have gone on that hike, Rocky.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“The math test was looming before me and I knew that I would fail it.”
“You should have studied more, Rocky, instead of doing rock climbing all the time.”
to long forで、「思いこがれる、あこがれる」「熱望[切望]する」。
○Practical Example
“I’m longing for the day when Jay and I will be living together.”
“Well, Bea. Watching the two of you together, it can’t be too long from now.”
●Extra Point
to longはfor以外の語とも使われる。
◎Extra Example
“I am longing to go to India someday. It’s my dream.”
“Well, Bea. You and Jay can go there on your honeymoon.”
○Practical Example
“I’m really self-conscious about speaking English.”
“That’s why you’re making no progress, Yuka.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Randy just walks up to girls and starts talking to them.”
“He’s totally unselfconscious. I wish I could be like that.”
to dateは、「現在まで、今日まで」の意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
“You’ve done a very good job to date, Inomata. Keep up the good work.”
“Thanks, Mr. Kumakura. I’m doing my best.”
●Extra Point
so farも同じ意味で使われる。
◎Extra Example
“So far you’ve done a very good job, Inomata.”
“Thanks, Mr. Kumakura. I hope I don’t disappoint you in the future.”
to be attachedで、「…に取り付けられている、くっ付いている、張りついている」。
○Practical Example
“Did you find your contact lens, Bea?”
“Yep. It was attached to my blouse, Dee. It must have fallen onto it.”
●Extra Point
to be attached to…は、「[人・動物を](愛情などで)結び付ける、愛着をもたせる、慕わせる」といった意味で使われる。
◎Extra Example
“I’m so attached to my dog, Tantan.”
“Yeah. I got really attached to my cat, but it died.”
a gangは、「(少年の)遊び仲間、非行少年の群れ」とか、「(悪者・犯罪者などの)一団、一味」で用いられる。まずはこの意味で使われる用例を紹介する。
○Practical Example
“There’s a gang of rough boys going around the neighborhood cutting off the tops of flowers.”
“They’re dangerous. First it’s flowers. Then it will be people.”
●Extra Point
a gangは、「(同じ仕事に従事する作業員などの)一団、一群、一隊」の意味でも使われる。状況によっては、「連中」に近い意味になる。
◎Extra Example
“Hey, Dee, did you see the old gang from school when you were in Manchester?”
“I did. You know, most of them look absolutely awful!”
○Practical Example
“Dee, you look pale. Are you okay?”
“Yes I am, Kay. Thanks. Jay also told me the same thing.”
●Extra Point
同じpaleでも、上に紹介したものとは違う語源で、「(柵に用いる尖った)くい」の意味もある。そしてこれは「(行動・規定などの)範囲、限界」の意味でも用いられる。beyond the paleで、「(礼儀などの)範囲を越えた」とか、「身のほどをわきまえない、もってのほかの[で]」という意味になる。
◎Extra Example
“Dee, what Jay did was totally beyond the pale.”
“I know, Kay. He said that I was madly in love with him. It’s rubbish!”
to reinforceは、「強化する、増強する、補強する、…に勢いをつける」。
○Practical Example
“Luckily the buildings in the earthquake zone had been reinforced.”
“Yeah, otherwise they would have fallen down.”
●Extra Point
名詞 reinforcementがreinforcementsと複数形で使われると、「増援隊[艦隊]、援兵」の意味になる。状況によっては、「援軍」の意味で用いられる。
◎Extra Example
“The government is sending reinforcements to that country to help bring peace.”
“That’s fine if the reinforcements really bring peace and not more war.”
to confirmは、「(陳述・証拠・うわさなどを)確かめる、確認する、確証する」。
○Practical Example
“Cliff was apparently drinking at a bar in Roppongi before he drove home.”
“It’s been confirmed, has it? That’s really terrible.”
「それは確認されたの? だったら、ほんとにおそろしいわ」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Junko Takebayashi has apparently been told on the phone that she has been awarded a scholarship to Cambridge University.”
“That’s great. She’ll no doubt get confirmation by letter soon.”
to injureは、「(身体を)傷つける、痛める、・・・…にけがをさせる」「(健康を)害する」。
○Practical Example
“Cliff was in a car accident last night.”
“Oh my God, was he injured?”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Cliff’s injuries are pretty serious. He’s at the Toranomon Hospital.”
“I hope he wasn’t drinking.”
to reformは、「改正[改革、改善]する」「修正[訂正]する」。
○Practical Example
“The laws on welfare really need to be reformed.”
“You’re right, Junichi. But politicians talk about reform and never do it.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I am a reformed man. I used to drink too much, and now I drink moderately.”
“Well, Cliff, that’s fine. But is drinking five martinis a day moderate?”
to moderateは、2008年6月5日のGetUpEnglishを参照。
to rescueは、「(人・ものを)救う、救助[救出]する」。
○Practical Example
“Georgina is really wonderful. She spends her time rescuing dogs that are wandering the streets.”
“She really is a kind person, isn’t she.”
●Extra Point
to rescueは、人や動物以外のものを救う時も使われる。
◎Extra Example
“Hey, Kinoshita, where’d you get this beautiful old picture book from?”
“I rescued it from the rubbish in front of someone’s house. Someone was going to throw it away.”
○Practical Example
“The senator made a moderate proposal to help people affected by the earthquake.”
“It’s fine to be moderate, but this crisis requires radical steps.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I drink moderately. About a bottle of wine a day.”
“I wouldn’t call a bottle of wine a day drinking moderately, Cliff.”