to imitateは、「模倣する、まねる」「見習う」「模写[模造]する、・・・…に似せる」。
○Practical Example
“Tanizaki got into Kyodai. I’d like to imitate his success.”
“Well, Kawabata, you have to study as hard as he did, then.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Look at this huge diamond Mike bought me!”
“That’s an imitation, Rumiko. Mike can’t afford a diamond that big.”
今日紹介する二つの表現は、とても便利だから、よく使われる。まずは、for a short while(ちょっと)から。
○Practical Example
“I waited for her for a short while, then left.”
“You should have waited longer, Mike. She got there after you left.”
●Extra Point
続いて、for a long time(ずっと)を見てみよう。
◎Extra Example
“For a long while I thought that Mike didn’t love me.”
”Oh, he loves you, Rumiko. He just doesn’t know how to show it.”
to pronounceは発音する。
○Practical Example
“How do you pronounce your name?”
“My name is spelled I-R-I-S. It’s pronounced ‘Eye-ris.’”
「わたしの名前はI-R-I-S とつづります。『アイリス』といった感じに発音します。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“The pronunciation of Japanese words is easier than English words.”
“I agree. Japanese words are pronounced like they’re written.”
○Practical Example
“The Japanese people are so generous. They often treat me to lunch.”
“That sort of generosity is universal, Penelope. You see it in every country.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“People who are greedy are universally disliked.”
“That’s right, Penelope. No one likes someone who is greedy.”