to baffleは、「(人を)困惑[当惑]させる、面くらわす」。
○Practical Example
"I was utterly baffled by Robert’s remark."
"What did he say, Jimmy?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I was totally baffled by the news."
"What happened, Johnsy? Something serious?"
「何があったんだ、ジョンジー? 深刻なことか?」
○Practical Example
"Where do you regularly eat lunch, Minoru?"
"I mostly brown-bag it, Yuki."
brown-bag it のitはlunchをさす。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Masatoshi never goes out to lunch. I know."
"He's a brown-bagger."
○Practical Example
"Stuart came from Australia on very short notice, but seems to think all of us must adjust to his schedule while he is in Tokyo."
"That's a very complacent way of thinking. We can't stand his smugness."
on the short noticeは、「 知らされてすぐに」。smugも「ひとりよがりの」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"When I write my novels, I sometimes wonder whether I am complacent with my works."
"It is really important for you to see yourself and your works objectively, Osamu."
○Practical Example
"Tomoya is assiduous in his studies."
"I hope he will go on to graduate school and become a specialist in his field."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mr. Gold's assiduousness in teaching English affected us deeply."
"Yes. We learned from him that it is most important to read English carefully and assiduously."
alumni reunion(同窓会)という言い方は、2009/04/21のGetUpEnglishのExtra Exampleでも紹介した。
○Practical Example
"I heard there were over 30 people at the class reunion last Saturday."
"It was the first reunion in a very long time and the reminiscing made for lively conversation."
●Extra Point
family reunion(家族がふたたび集まる)という言い方もよくされる。
◎Extra Example
"Peter will go to Chicago for his family reunion this weekend."
"He is the elder brother and every member of his family depends on him."
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、to drainを学習します。
to drainは、「……を排水する、……から(水などを)除く、(地域・建物など)に排水設備を施す、……から(水などを)抜く」の意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
"The schoolyard should be drained by digging a ditch across it."
"Exactly. Kids cannot play in the yard after we have a lot of rain."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The Vietnam War drained the country of its people and money."
"Yes. It took the lives of a million to two million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans. It shouldn’t have been started."
○Practical Example
"Aren't you thirsty, Ann-chan?"
"Yes, I am, Odani-kun. I wish we had something cold to drink."
thirsty forで、「渇望[熱望]する」の意味で用いられる。状況によっては、「……に飢える」という感じかもしれない。
◎Extra Example
"I was in a remote area and I couldn't access the internet for three days. I was thirsty for news."
"I think you should have been better read some books with forgetting everything."
○Practical Example
"Haruki Murakami's 1Q84 has sold over a million copies."
"I think it's his most satisfactory work."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"While in our employ, Mr. Matsuda's performance was more than satisfactory."
"I am quite sure he can do his best work at any company."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Why was the party canceled, Shimada-kun?"
"We don't know, Yuko-san. No one's given us a satisfactory explanation, so
everybody's complaining about it."
○Practical Example
"Is this seat occupied?"
"Yes, I'm afraid it is. I'm sorry."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Shimada's occupied in writing the report today."
"I understand. So, it won't do any good to ask him out for a drink."
☆Extra Extra Point
to occupy oneself with[in]の形でも、よく使われる。
★Extra Extra Example
"The famous actress Suzanne occupies herself with answering fan letters every day."
"She’s getting letters from all over the world."
○Practical Example
"I wonder if I wasn’t a little too blunt with Kyoko just now."
"She was crying a little while ago. Please note she is a vulnerable young girl."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mr. K said he caught a cold again."
"I know. He is highly vulnerable to colds."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Obesity makes a person more vulnerable to heart disease."
"We both have to lose weight. Let's start running together from tomorrow."
pet peeveは、「常に不平の種となるもの、とりわけいやな[腹の立つ]もの[こと]、癪の種」といった意味で使われる。
pet peevesと複数形で使われることが多い。
○Extra Example
"Chieko, what are you pet peeves?"
"I have a number of them, but people who work slowly is a big one."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"My pet peeve is people who always think they know best."
"I know what you mean, Junko. I don't get along people like that either."
to boardは2007/08/29のGetUpEnglishで学習した。
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、on boardという表現を学習しよう。
on boardは、「船上[船内、機内]に[の]、車中に[の]」の意味で使われる。
○Practical Point
"There are more than 100 passengers on board the ship."
"And she took on a lot of cargo, too."
●Extra Point
Curtis Mayfield (1942-99)のThe Impressions時代の名曲に、"People Get Ready"(1965)がある。この曲のなかで、on boardが効果的に使われている。
◎Extra Example
People get ready, there's a train comin'
You don't need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
You don't need no ticket you just thank the lord
"People Get Ready"はソウルバラードの代表的作品で、 Jeff Beckも Rod Stewart のヴォーカルでカバーしている。
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"I heard that company brought three more animators on board to work on the movie."
"They have enough money to do that, but we have to do everything ourselves."
in the blink of an eyeは、「一瞬のうちに」の意味でよく使われる。今日のGetUpEnglishでは、この表現を学習しよう。
○Practical Point
"I forgot where I save that data on my computer."
"Use your computer's search tool. It can retrieve any data in the blink of an eye."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Miyagawa-sensei handed me a USB drive and, in the blink of an eye, he was gone."
"He was so busy that he couldn’t have time to make small talk."
to hit the nail on the headで、「うまく言い当てる、ずばり的を射る。適切なことをする」。
○Practical Example
"I think you hit the nail on the head when you said he's willing to do anything for money."
"So, he always has a trouble with everybody about money."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I think Haruki Murakami's stories are popular not only because they are very readable, but because they make us think deeply about humanity."
"You’ve hit the nail on the head, Junko."
to dote onは、「(人・物)をとてもかわいがる、溺愛する」。
○Practical Point
"Ben-san really dotes on his child."
"And his dear Shin-chan is a really good boy."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mrs. Tanabe dotes on his granddaughter."
"Yes, Aoi-chan is the apple of her eye."
apple of the one’s eyeで、「……の非常に大事な人[物]、掌中の玉」。