○Practical Example
"Tan Twan Eng's Gift of Rain is a marvelous story which perfectly combines fact and fiction."
"Yeah, I found it very interesting. The story is not only exciting to read, but also faithful to history. It is a masterpiece."
「Tan Twan Engの『雨の贈り物』は驚くべき小説で、事実と創作が完璧に融合している」。
Tan Twan EngのGift of Rain, わたしも大変興奮して読みました。
(ところで、Tan Twan Engは日本語ではどう表記すればよいのでしょうか?)
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Is Haruki Murakami's "1Q84" fact or fiction?"
"It is absolutely fiction. There is no question. But Murakami investigated the social conditions of the era thoroughly and wrote a perfectly understandable story. I think it is a masterpiece."
「村上春樹の『1Q84』は実際の物語? それともフィクション?」
to investigateは、昨日のGetUpEnglishで学習した。