ディズニー+で日米同時配信中の『ファルコン&ウィンター・ソルジャー』(The Falcon and Winter Soldier)に、魅力的な日系の俳優が何人か出ている。そのひとりはMiki Ishikawaだ。
Miki Ishikawa was born in Denver, Colorado. Her family moved to Los Angeles in 2000 after living in Hawaii for some years.
In 2004, she landed a recurring role on the hit Nickelodeon TV show, Zoey 101. Shortly after, she booked her first feature film as one of the family members in the romantic comedy "Yours, Mine and Ours" starring Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo playing their adopted daughter Naoko North. She signed with Walt Disney Records with the group TSquad and toured with many acts including Miley Cyrus and The Jonas Brothers.
Miki has also appeared in several movies including, "Funny People," dance film "Make Your Move" and TIFF breakout "Sway". More recently she can be seen on FOX's hit show "9-1-1" and "NCIS: LA" and stars in AMC's anthology "The Terror: Infamy" season two executive produced by Ridley Scott. Up next Miki will appear in Disney+'s Marvel highly anticipated show "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" in an undisclosed role.
○Practical Example
Duke Togo was paid an undisclosed sum.
『ファルコン&ウィンター・ソルジャー』にはYori Nakajima役でKen Takemotoも出演している。
Disney+で放映中のWandaVisionにMonica Rambeauが突然登場し、狂喜した人も多いことでしょう。
モニカはCaptain Marvel(2018)でこんなセリフを残している。
"Oh, this is you when you were little, you didn’t get along with your parents so mom said we became your real family."
get along withはこのように「~と気が合う」の意味でも使われるが、状況によって「進む、はかどる」の意味でも用いられるので注意しよう。
○Practical Example
“How are you getting along with your work, Mr. K?”
“Everything's okay here.”
本日紹介したのモニカの子供の頃の泣かせるセリフも3月31日発売の『マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース ヒーローたちの言葉』に収録してあります。
ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン株式会社 (監修), 上杉 隼人 (翻訳)
出版社 : KADOKAWA (2021/3/31)
発売日 : 2021/3/31
マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース ヒーローたちの言葉 (日本語) 単行本 – 2021/3/31
ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン株式会社 (監修), 上杉 隼人 (翻訳)
出版社 : KADOKAWA (2021/3/31)
発売日 : 2021/3/31
言語 : 日本語
The Avengers. It’s what we call ourselves.
Sorta like a team.
“Earth’s Mightiest Heros”
― type things.
○Practical Example
“You seem to have a technical hitch, R2”
without a hitch 「滞りなく、すらすらと」
●Practical Example
◎Extra Example
"Well, it looks like he's got a little hitch in his giddy-up."
○Extra Point
The fire had been started deliberately.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Why did Misaki tell me then that you hated me?"
"She deliberately lied to you, Haruto, because she didn't want to want you to see her becoming an old woman."
Finance minister Rishi Sunak delivered what he hopes will be a last big spending splurge to get Britain's economy through the COVID-19 crisis, and announced a corporate tax hike from 2023 as he began to focus on the huge hit to the public finances.
big spending splurgeは「大規模な財政出動」
Sunak said in an annual budget speech on Wednesday that the economy would return to its pre-pandemic size in mid-2022, six months earlier than previously forecast, helped by Europe's fastest coronavirus vaccination programme.
Sunakはイギリスの財務大臣Rishi Sunak(1980- )。
But lasting economic damage equivalent to 3% of annual output would persist, and 65 billion pounds ($91 billion) of extra support was needed in the short term as restrictions were lifted over the next few months, he said.
Sunak's early warning that he will demand more money from companies - and most individual taxpayers too - makes him one of the first policymakers from rich countries to set out a plan to tighten budget policy after the pandemic.
Britain's first rise in corporation tax since 1974 will see big, profitable companies pay 25% from 2023 compared to 19% now and the overall rate of taxation in the economy increase to its highest since 1969.
But before then firms can use a two-year "super-deduction" tax break that Sunak hopes will snap them out of their pandemic deep-freeze and invest to boost short-term growth.
The government's budget watchdog said the move was likely to bring forward investment that would have taken place later.
In his speech to parliament, Sunak repeated his plan to do "whatever it takes to support the British people and businesses" after the economy slumped by 10% last year.
Britain has also suffered Europe's biggest COVID-19 death toll.
"Once we are on the way to recovery, we will need to begin fixing the public finances – and I want to be honest today about our plans to do that," he said.
The support measures included a five-month extension of Britain's huge jobs rescue plan, wider help for the self-employed and the continuation of an emergency increase in welfare payments.
Kazuo Ishiguroの幻の短篇 “A Village After Dark“の冒頭に次の表現がある。
○Practical Example
There was a time when I could travel England for weeks on end and remain at my sharpest—when, if anything, the travelling gave me an edge. But now that I am older I become disoriented more easily. So it was that on arriving at the village just after dark I failed to find my bearings at all. I could hardly believe I was in the same village in which not so long ago I had lived and come to exercise such influence.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
We are often disoriented by the difference in customs when they go to a foreign country.
State lawmakers gave final approval Monday to legislation that will end capital punishment in Virginia, a dramatic turnaround for a state that has executed more people in its long history than any other.
The legislation repealing the death penalty now heads to Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, who has said he will sign it into law, making Virginia the 23rd state to stop executions.
“There’s a realization that it is time to end this outdated practice that tends to bring more harm to victims’ family members than providing us any comfort or solace,” said Rachel Sutphin, whose father, Cpl. Eric Sutphin, was fatally shot in 2006 while working for the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.
○Practical Example
Drowning your troubles in booze is nothing but temporary solace, you know.
William Morva, the man convicted of killing Eric Sutphin, was executed in 2017. Two years later, Rachel Sutphin was one of 13 family members of murder victims who sent a letter to the General Assembly asking lawmakers to abolish the death penalty.
“By voting for abolition, we are showing the way, that if Virginia — the state with the longest history and the most people executed — if we can do it, so can other states,” Rachel Sutphin said.
Virginia’s new Democratic majority, in full control of the General Assembly for a second year, pushed the repeal effort, arguing that the death penalty has been applied disproportionately to people of color, the mentally ill and the indigent.
“It is vital that our criminal justice system operates fairly and punishes people equitably. We all know the death penalty doesn’t do that. It is inequitable, ineffective, and inhumane,” Northam, House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn and Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw said in a joint statement after the votes.
Republicans raised concerns about justice for victims and their family members, and said there are some crimes that are so heinous that the perpetrators deserve to be executed.
Only two men remain on Virginia’s death row. Anthony Juniper was sentenced to death in the 2004 slayings of his ex-girlfriend, two of her children, and her brother. Thomas Porter was sentenced to die for the 2005 killing of a Norfolk police officer. The repeal legislation would convert their sentences to life in prison without parole.
During the debate on the House floor Monday, Republican Del. Rob Bell described those killings in gruesome detail, and said Porter and Juniper would be watching the vote from prison with special interest.
“We have five dead Virginians that this bill will make sure that their killers will not receive justice,” Bell said.
Porter, Juniper and their families have declined to comment through their attorney, Rob Lee, executive director of the Virginia Capital Representation Resource Center.
“By eliminating the death penalty, governmental, political, and moral leaders have taken a long overdue action needed to make Virginia a fairer and more just Commonwealth,” Lee said in a statement.
The passage of the legislation was just the latest in a long list of sweeping policy changes enacted by Democrats, who have increasingly reshaped the Old Dominion into an outlier in the South on racial, social and economic issues.
Last year, lawmakers passed some of the region’s strictest gun laws, broadest LGBTQ protections, its highest minimum wage and some of its loosest abortion restrictions. This year too, lawmakers have been passing one progressive measure after another.
But the death penalty bill marks a particularly stark reversal in a state where executions proceeded in the past decade under both Republican and Democratic governors. The state legislature and state officials have also acted in recent years to preserve Virginia’s ability to carry out executions and limit transparency around the process.
Even last year, death penalty abolition bills in the General Assembly went nowhere.
On Monday, both chambers approved separate but identical repeal bills. The Senate approved a House bill, advancing it to Northam on a 22-16 vote. Republican Sen. Jill Vogel joined with Democrats in the chamber in voting for passage. Later Monday, House Democrats and two GOP members, Del. Jeff Campbell and Del. Carrie Coyner, voted to approve the Senate version, 57-43.
No date has been set yet for when the governor will sign it, according to his spokeswoman.
Historically, Virginia has used the death penalty more than any other state, executing nearly 1,400 people since its days as a colony, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976, Virginia, with 113 executions, is second only to Texas.
Michael Stone, executive director of Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, called the vote to abolish capital punishment a landmark moment in the state’s history.
“We hope that Virginia will set an example for other states from the old Confederacy to take this bold step toward the humane reform of our legal justice system,” Stone said.
動詞underpinは「〈建物を〉下[土台]から支える, …の基礎を補強する; 支える, 下支えする」(リーダーズ)
状況によっては、「…の土台となる, 裏付ける」(リーダーズ)の意味でも使われる。
○Practical Example
The report is underpinned by extensive research.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
The lawyer presented solid evidence to underpin his case in court.
apertureは「開口部, 孔, 隙間, 口」(リーダーズ)。今日のGetUpEnglishはこの表現を学習する。
〇Practical Example
Tom and Huck crawled through a small aperture in the fence.
●Extra Point
「 (カメラ・望遠鏡のレンズの)口径; 絞り」(コンパスローズ)の意味でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6.
gravitasは「真剣さ, まじめさ, 厳粛さ」であるが、状況によってはいろんな訳し方ができると思う。
○Practical Example
The comic actress lacks the gravitas for dramatic roles.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
The new leader has an air of gravitas that commands respect.
☆Extra Exta Example
状況によっては、「貫禄」ととらえてよいだろう。実際、Asahi Weekly March 7に次の英文と注が掲載されている。
★Extra Extra Example
Naomi Osaka’s ascension has been an uncomfortable climb, but the 23-year-old’s increased gravitas on and off the court leaves her ready to be the face of women’s tennis.
increased gravitasは「増した貫禄」
Asahi Weeklyは1985年から読んでいるので(当時はAsahi Evening Newsだった)、こちらも36年間購読しているということなる。
Asahi Weeklyは厳選された英文と、わかりやすく、正確な注が大変ありがたい。本気で英語を学習する人には、ぜひおすすめしたい。
A onetime flight attendant who conjured fictional nightmares during breaks on cross- country red-eyes has a 7-figure deal for two novels.
cross country red-eyesは「全国を横断する夜行便」
The Simon & Schuster imprint Avid Reader Press announced Thursday that T.J. Newman’s first book, the thriller “Falling,” comes out in July. The narrative is a horror story — a different kind of airplane read — that understandably gave the author chills. On a crowded flight from Los Angeles to New York, passengers are unaware that the pilot’s family has been kidnapped and the pilot must crash the plane to save them.
Newman came up with the idea during one work shift when the passengers were sleeping.
“I’m looking out at the passengers and it’s quiet and it’s dark and it occurred to me at that moment how vulnerable the passengers were at the hands of the two men who were flying the plane,” she said during a recent telephone interview, adding that she later described the plot of her book to one of the pilots and asked what he would do in that situation.
アルクの『English Journal』が創刊50周年を迎えた。関係者のみなさん、誠におめでとうございます。
今日のGetUpEnglishは50周年記念号のQuick Chatにあったこの表現を紹介する。
Mike: Excellent. Now, this year is the 50th anniversary for English Journal. And 50 years – that’s good going, I think, for any publication. So, it’s definitely something to celebrate.
マイク:いいねえ。さて、今年はEnglish Journalが(創刊)50周年です。50年――出版物としてはすごいと思う。間違いなく喜ばしいことだ。
このgood going(大したものだ、がんばってる)はよく使われるので覚えておきたい。
○Practical Example
Good going, Rumi! You’ve been involved with this magazine for about a decade.
tribalismは「部族の組織[生活, 感情, 信仰, 習俗, 文化], 部族的特徴; 《部族としての》同族意識」であるが、「《他部族に対する》部族的優越意識」(リーダーズ)の意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
Tribalism can have very negative consequences when it is used to exclude individuals or groups or to take away their rights, status, and/or independence.
●Extra Point
Asahi Weekly February 28号の厚切りジェイソンのエッセイに、次の表現があった。
◎Extra Example
Unity has become a pressing matter because the U.S. political landscape recently has developed into an “us versus them” tribalism on every issue.
Larry the cat, a four-legged inhabitant of London’s 10 Downing St., is marking a decade as Britain’s mouse-catcher in chief on Monday.
10 Downing St.(ダウニング街10番地)は「首相官邸」をさす。
The tabby cat was recruited by then-Prime Minister David Cameron to deal with a pack of rats seen scuttling close to the British leader’s official residence, and entered Downing Street on Feb. 15, 2011.
scuttle < scuttlingは「ちょこちょこ走る」
The former stray, adopted from London’s Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, was given the title Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, an unofficial pest control post. He was the first cat to hold the rat-catching portfolio since the retirement of Humphrey in 1997, and has loyally served three prime ministers.
pest control postは「有害生物駆除担当職」
○Practical Example
She resigned her portfolio.
But it seems like yesterday that Larry was just another cat — as opposed to a media superstar — said Lindsey Quinlan, the head of cattery of Battersea.
the head cattery of Batterseaは「(犬猫保護施設)バタシーのネコ担当部長」
“Throughout his time at Number 10, Larry has proven himself to not only be a brilliant ambassador for Battersea but also demonstrated to millions of people around the world how incredible rescue cats are,’’ she said. “His rags to riches tale is yet more proof of why all animals deserve a second chance — one minute they may be an overlooked stray on the streets, the next they could become one of the nation’s beloved political figures, with fans around the world.”
rags to riches taleは「立身出世物語」
Larry, who has met a number of world leaders, has been largely unfriendly to men but took a liking to former U.S. President Barack Obama. When former President Donald Trump visited in 2019, Larry took a nap under his car.
His grip on the public imagination is clear — and political leaders know better than to ignore that popularity. The tomcat was a sentimental topic of conversation in Cameron’s final appearance in Parliament as prime minister when he said he wanted to quash a rumor that — perish the thought — he didn’t like Larry.
And just to prove it, he whipped out evidence: a picture of Larry lying on his lap.
“He belongs to the house and the staff love him very much — as do I,” he said at the time, explaining why he wasn’t taking Larry with him after leaving office.
After the December 2019 election, rumors swirled that Larry might be headed for retirement with the news that the new prime minister, Boris Johnson, was a dog man. However, despite the prime minister moving Jack Russell cross Dilyn into Downing Street, Larry remained in office.
Reports of his rodent-killing abilities vary. Larry became known for his occasional scraps with neighboring cats — especially Palmerston, chief mouser to the Foreign Office across the street — and fondness for sleep. Palmerston has retired to the country, so things have been a bit quieter of late.
These days Larry, now 14, is often seen by photographers patrolling his turf. Visitors to the building can sometimes find him napping on a ledge above a radiator or sleeping on a floor, where dignitaries occasionally have to step over him.
At the heart of government, he specializes in power naps.
power napsは「仕事の能率を上げるための昼寝」。power lunchの昼寝版。
見出しのon the prowlは「(周囲を)うろついて」