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How to Be Human: An Autistic Man's Guide to Life(2)

2022-01-15 08:01:41 | How to Be Human

 重度の自閉症を抱えながら、ふたつの大きな奨学金を得て、現在はオックスフォード大学大学院で学ぶJory Flemingさん。


 How to Be Human: An Autistic Man's Guide to Life

 By Jory Fleming With Lyric Winik




LW: How do you perceive autism in terms of both yourself as an individual and in terms of the larger stereotypes that exist?

JORY: Finishing college and going to Oxford brought me to a realization that I’m not ever going to let myself be defined by other people because I have autism or any other disability. It’s not arrogant to me. I already know who I am. It’s just, you don’t understand some things about me in the same way that I don’t understand things about you. But that also doesn’t mean that we can’t have a shared vision or act collectively toward a goal.

リリック ジョリー個人の考えのほかに、自閉症に対する固定化されたイメージが広く存在すると思うけど、このふたつの観点から自閉症をどのようにとらえている?

ジョリー ノースカロライナ大学を卒業して、オックスフォードの大学院に進学することになった時、僕は自閉症で、ほかの障がいもあるからといって、僕はこうだとほかの人たちに決めつけられないようにしようと思いました。傲慢ではないと思うんです。僕は自分が誰か最初からわかっている。僕が僕はこうだと決めつける人を知らないのと同じように、その人だって僕について知らないことはある。でも、だからと言って、僕たちが同じヴィジョンを持つことができないと言いたいわけじゃないし、団結して同じ目標に向かって突き進むことができないと言うつもりもない。

It’s a good thing to recognize people for their talents, and I definitely think that in many cases the people called autistic savants are amazing by any measure at what they do—piano or math or whatever it is. That’s something unique and really nice to value. I feel like as long as it doesn’t become “Oh, this autistic person isn’t a savant, therefore they’re less valuable,” it’s fine.


I’m not at an extra level in any one particular thing like that. But that doesn’t mean that I think of myself as having a less talented version of autism or I’m not as smart, right?


But “autistic savant” has an almost positive stereotype associated with it. People are witnessing something so magical that the benefits outweigh the differences, whereas when they see other people with autism, they focus on the differences and not the benefits. They don’t see them as easily or maybe don’t consider them to be beneficial.




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