昨年10月に刊行された、佐藤節也東洋大学教授のNew Perspectives on Globalizationをずっと読んでいる。
Growing income inequality, rise of populism, absence of global leaders, rise of China and US-China trade war, resurgence of Asia, demographic changes, gender gap, refugees and migrants, climate change, ...... The global world has undergone a major transformation in the past decade. So, will the current corona crisis and border closures bring an end to globalization? Do we really understand how interconnected and interdependent we are in the first place? This book was written to help you prepare for a post-pandemic world by giving you the "global literacy" you need to keep up with the latest global trends.
populism: 人民[民衆]主義
resurgence: 復活
demographic: 人口統計の
コロナ以降のglobal literacy, 「世界活用知識」について記されているのがこの本のすばらしい点であり、日本人が英語で書き上げたことに改めて驚かされる。
New Perspectives on Globalization Developing global literacy to catch up with the global trend
佐藤 節也