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Poodles pop in popularity, but Labs still No. 1 US dog breed

2022-04-04 08:26:20 | News



Labrador retrievers are still tugging hardest on U.S. dog lovers' heartstrings, but poodles just strutted back into the American Kennel Club's top five most popular dog breeds for the first time in nearly a quarter-century.

 tugging hardest on U.S. dog lovers' heartstrings: アメリカの愛犬家の心をいちばん強く引きつける

 strut(ted) back into: ~に返り咲いた

 動詞strutは「気取って[反(そ)り返って, 得意気に]歩く」(コンパスローズ)

○Practical Example

 The man strutted down the street in his brand-new outfit.


The club's annual popularity rankings came out Tuesday, drawn from more than 800,000 purebred puppies and older pooches that joined the nation's oldest canine registry last year.


 canine: イヌ科の

With 197 recognized breeds, the list ranges from such familiar furry faces as Labs — No. 1 for an unprecedented 31 straight years — to the newly added Biewer terrier (making a strong debut at No. 82) and unusual pups like the hairless Xoloitzcuintli (No. 119).

For dog fans, there's plenty to dig into (like a dachshund, No. 10) and point out (like a pointer, No. 120). So we've rounded up (like a border collie, No. 31) some highlights.

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