Winifred Bird, Eating Wild Japan: Tracking the Culture of Foraged Foods, with a Guide to Plants and Recipes
Without too much trouble I turned up a curator at the prefectural museum in Tokushima who studied the subject. But when I met Hironori Isomoto in the monumental marble-staired building where he works, he told me my timing was off for the tengusa harvest on the island of Tebajima and the hijiki harvest on the island of Ishima. Thankfully, wakame was in full swing. Isomoto said that hardly anyone harvested wild wakame on Shikoku anymore, but that if I was lucky, I might find a couple of old folks in the fishing hamlet of Kitadomari who still did. Before I left, he gave me the name of the fisheries-cooperative president there, Akira Okamoto.
(be) in full swing: 最高潮である、どんどん進行中である