‘A man who looks like he was born in debt’ is how the film writer Ryan Gilbey (he writes for several papers including The Independent and The New Statesman) described the actor Stephen Rea. What Gilbey did there was to take something external (a face) and turn it into something internal (what it feels like to be in debt your whole life). It’s a brilliant trick if you can pull it off, because as readers we’re generally more interested in what someone’s like on the inside, in what makes them tick – but all we can see, or perceive with our other four senses, is what’s on the outside. So if you can find a way to unify the two, you’re onto something.
最後のyou’re onto somethingの言い方が気になった。
ここでyou’re onto somethingはどういうことかと聞いてみた。
UESUGI: Explain the expression "onto something".
The expression "onto something" typically means that someone has found a promising idea or solution to a problem. It can also indicate that someone has discovered something valuable or useful. For example, if someone says "I think I'm onto something with this new business idea," it means that they believe they have found a potentially successful concept. Similarly, if someone says "After hours of searching, I think I'm onto something with this clue," it means they believe they have found a promising lead in their investigation.