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To engage other people in our community with love and inclusion

2023-04-02 08:20:52 | How to Be Human

その世界自閉症啓発デーに、『「普通」ってなんなのかな 自閉症の僕が案内するこの世界の歩き方』(文藝春秋)の著者ジョリー・フレミングさんから、日本の皆さんにメッセージが届きました。


Part of my day to day experience as an autistic person is that the interactions I have with other people need to be intentional. I cannot just automatically fly through even a basic conversation. Making sure my words make sense in a linear order, ensuring I pause and speak at the right times, even modifying aspects of my personality and facial expressions to react to things. Doing this repeatedly throughout the day can often be draining, but I always try to reflect that it is worth it. It is up to everyone, whether they are autistic or not, to determine how much interaction they seek out. But I think that everyone can build a better community by having these interactions with a sense of intentionality. I see even an everyday conversation as part of a big network of similar conversations that together form a sort of community dialogue. Intentionally injecting a smile or sharing a kind word with someone could have amazing spiraling effects on this web of connections. I feel that if we keep that in mind, perhaps it might be just a tiny bit easier to engage other people in our community with love and inclusion.



「普通」ってなんなのかな 自閉症の僕が案内するこの世界の歩き方
ジョリー・フレミング リリック・ウィニック 上杉隼人

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