deliver [come up with] the goodsで、「約束を果たす、期待にこたえる」。
○Practical Example
"Noel finished his translation by the deadline and delivered the goods."
"He is always reliable. Let's ask him for more jobs."
●Practical Point
もう一例。All of the Marvels A Journey to the Ends of the Biggest Story Ever Told by Douglas Wolkに以下の記述があった。
◎Extra Example
And John Romita Sr., who collaborated with Lee on Amazing Spider-Man from 1966 to 1972, described their working relationship to Comic Book Artist magazine in 1999: “Oh, he’s a con man, but he did deliver. Anyone who says he didn’t is not reading the facts. Believe me, he earned everything he gets. That’s why I never begrudged him getting any of the credit, and as far as I’m concerned, he can have his name above any of my stuff, anytime he wants.” A con man who delivers the goods: that’s an excellent way of describing Stan Lee.
上のhe did deliverは下のA con man who delivers the goodsと同じ意味で使われている。
begrudge(d): 「(人の)〈幸運〉をねたむ」であるが、この場合は「〈…すること〉をいやがる」