personalにはいろいろな意味があるが、「他人の私事に関する、人身攻撃の」の意味で使われることがある。たとえば、personal abuse [remarks] と言えば、「その人にあてた攻撃になるし、Don't be too personal. と言えば、「あまり私事にわたることは言うな[尋ねるな]」ということになる。
そして、ほとんど慣用的な言い方として、nothing personal, something personalがある。
It’s nothing personal.で「悪気はありません、悪く思わないで下さい」という意味になる。
○Practical Example
"It’s nothing personal. I’ve got to go home."
●Extra Point
have something personal againstという言い方もよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
I made up with Mayumi after a big argument, but she is not as friendly as she used to be. I wonder if she still has something personal against me.
○Practical Example
"Don't cross the road diagonally. Walk straight across."
"But, Ms. Asaba, it's closer to cross diagonally."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I was greatly surprised to find that the house I've moved into is diagonally across the street from where my ex-wife and her new are living."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"She is carrying her bag diagonally across her body."
fold upは「畳む」。
○Practical Example
"Fold up your bedding neatly, Risa."
"Yes, mom."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"This chair can be folded up."
"Great. Let’s bring it to the breach, Noriko."
at each other’s throatで「激しく争って、ひどくいがみ合って」。文字どおりには、「お互いの喉頸(のどくび)につかみかかろうとしている」の意。敵意むき出しの様子を表しているが、実際はせいぜい口げんかまでで、殴り合いまでは含まない。
○Practical Example
"It's sad to see two brothers at each other's throats over their father's money."
●Extra Point
◎EXtra Example
"I’m living with my husband’s mother, but my mother-in-law and I are often at each other’s throat. We’ve finally decided to build a duplex house."
○Practical Example
The bishop received the reverences of his visitors with a benign smile.
●Extra Point
もう一例。John le CarréのOur Kind of Traitorにこの表現があった。
◎Extra Example
"It was also how Gail came to be smiling her way weightlessly past benign uniformed gatekeepers who were only too happy to smile back at her."
昨日のGetUpEnglishのPractical Exampleで紹介したが、in a single boundは「一足飛びに(いっそくとびに)」。
○Practical Example
"Kyoko rose in a single bound to the position of managing director."
"I thought she would go far. She works like a horse on every project the boss gives her to do."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The stock's price rose to five hundred yen in a single bound."
○Practical Example
"As her negotiation skills in English were highly valued, a rank-and-file employee Hiroko rose in a single bound to the position of New York Branch manager."
in a single boundで「ひと飛びで、一足飛びに」。
●Extra Point
名詞で使われる場合は、rank and fileと表記される。
◎Extra Example
"Union leaders' strength depends on the support of the rank and file."
have a filed dayで、「大はしゃぎする、興奮して大騒ぎする、やりたい放題にする」、あるいは「(仕事・問題を)わけなくこなす」。
○Practical Example
"When the scandal broke, the press had a field day."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Will you beat the Giants badly?"
"We'll have a field day."
on the waneは「(月が)かけ始めて、衰えかけて、落ちめになって」。
○Practice Example
"The economy, on the wane for almost a year and half, was beginning to pick up again."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Most print formats had an outstanding year, with hardcover up 5.4%, trade paperback up 4%, and board books up 7.4%. Mass market has been on the wane since the introduction of e-books, and its slide continued in 2016 with a 7.7% drop in unit sales."
nutは「木の実」であるが、いろいろな意味で使われる。「変人、狂人」の意味で使われるし、nut house, nut-houseはアメリカの俗語で「精神病院」をさす。
「…マニア[ファン, 狂]」の意味でも使われる。状況によっては、「おたく」と訳してよいだろう。
○Practical Example
"Steve is a computer nut."
"And Hiroko is aa health nut."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Point
"You're nuts if you think I'd go along with a plan like that, Quill."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"This is to inform you that we will all be given the opportunity to attend an HR conference on January 6 in order to keep our knowledge current. It is not mandatory, but I would advise going as I think a change of pace will be a good thing. Some of us seem to be stuck in a nut and a little time away from the usual routine will hopefully prove refreshing."
○Practical Example
"For years, rumors persisted that FIFA would move the World Cup from South Africa."
"They concerned that the country was not equipped to handle matters of security and logistics 16 years after the dismantling of apartheid."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Morimoto Industries also boosted its logistics system by building a warehouse in Birmingham, Alabama."
○Practical Example
"Within a week, I am moving to 98 Highland Avenue, San Diego, CA 13424. The ward and precinct are the same, but you should have the new address on file."
「1週間後には98 Highland Avenue, San Diego, CA 13424の住所に移ります。区域も選挙区も同じですが、この新しい住所を控えておいてください」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"See, you go straight down this street and just past a flower shop, take a left. Go down about 50 meters and the precinct office is on your right."
○Practical Example
"Ms. Kelly’s exit will upend Fox News’s vaunted prime-time lineup and inject a new dose of tumult just a few months after the departure of the network’s powerful founding chairman, Roger Ailes, who was ousted after several women made allegations that he sexually harassed them."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Ms. Yoshioka’s vaunted charm did not win me over to her side."
SOPは最近使われるようになったビジネス用語だと思う。standard operating procedureで日本語では、「標準実施要領」という訳されることが多いようだが、要するに「(ビジネスの)標準的な手順[やり方]」と理解すればよい。
〇Practical Example
"What is SOP, Mr. Yamaki?"
"A Standard Operating Procedure. It is a document consisting of step-by-step information on how to execute a task. "
「Standard Operating Procedure, すなわち、ビジネスの標準的な進め方です。どのように任務を遂行するかという情報が一歩一歩記された文書です」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Our company outsourced a manager outside, but it didn't turn out well he didn't know much about the company’s culture, environment and SOP, therefore he was laid off soon."
"After that, Ms. Yamanouchi, one of the best assets in us promoted the manager."
「初夢」はthe first dream of [in, during] the New Yearであるが、『ルミナス英和辞典』にあるように、「欧米では初夢にまつわる言い習わしがないので, このように英語に訳したとしても, 日本で初夢がどう考えられているのかを説明しなければ, その意味を理解してもらえない」
○Practical Example
Hatsuyume (初夢) is the Japanese word for the first dream had in the new year. Traditionally, the contents of the dream would foretell the luck of the dreamer in the ensuing year. In Japan, the night of December 31 was often passed without sleeping, thus the hatsuyume was often the dream seen the night of January 1.
形容詞ensuing(次の、続く)の使い方はぜひ覚えておこう。the ensuing months(その後の数か月)というように使われる。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
It is considered to be particularly good luck to dream of Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant. This belief has been in place since the early Edo period but there are various theories regarding the origins as to why this particular combination was considered to be auspicious. One theory suggests that this combination is lucky because Mount Fuji is Japan's highest mountain, the hawk is a clever and strong bird, and the word for eggplant (nasu or nasubi 茄子) suggests achieving something great (nasu 成す). Another theory suggests that this combination arose because Mount Fuji, falconry, and early eggplants were favorites of the shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu.