○Practical Example
"The Chairman of the translation association became increasingly preoccupied with the enhancement of revenues."
"He needs to ENHANCE his translation skill instead."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I believe small enhancements to a work environment such as arranging flowers and adding a rest area can lead to much higher productivity."
○Practical Example
"Thanks to her teachers, my daughter never participates in delinquent behavior."
"That’s good. But we parents bear the blunt of the blame if our kids turn out be failures."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
The committee selected him to report on delinquent employees.
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
The increase in juvenile delinquents has turned our school into a blackboard jungle.
blackboard jungleはアメリカの同名映画(邦題『暴力教室』[1955年]からきた表現。
go-toは新しい言い方で、「頼りになる, 必殺[必勝]の」。
OALDには、used to refer to the person or place that sb goes to for help, advice or informationと定義されている。
○Practical Example
He's the president's go-to guy on Asian politics.
●Extra Point
Spider-Man Homecomingに次の用例があった。
◎Extra Example
"Peter, you’re our go-to. We’re better off with you."
Promises, promises.は決まり文句で、「またいつもの「約束するよ」かい、約束ばかりで守ったことがないじゃないか」。
○Practical Example
"I'll bring Spider-Man to Liz’s party tomorrow."
"Promises, promises, Ned."
●Extra Point
訳出中のGuardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2にこの表現があった。
◎Extra Example
YONDU: This is gonna hurt.
NEBULA: Promises, promises.
ヨンドゥ 痛いぞ
ネビュラ どうせまた口だけでしょう?
staleは「(食べ物などが)新鮮でない、古くなった、(酒などが)気の抜けた」などのほか、「 (表現・活動・場所などが)古くさい、新鮮味のない、陳腐な」の意味でも使われる。
○Practical Example
"There was nothing to eat outside some cheese and stale bread in his place."
outsideも「…以外に、…を除いて (except)」の意味で使われるので注意しよう。
●Extra Point
○Extra Example
"The TV variety show made a splash across the nation when it was first broadcast twenty years ago, but the content has become stale recently."