to hear something first handで、「本人から『直接、じかに』聞く」。first handで、「直接、じかに」。
○Practical Example
“Rick and Risa are breaking up. I heard it first hand, from Rick himself.”
“Wow, I never thought they would break up. What happened?”
●Extra Point
second hand(間接の、また聞きの、受け売りの)やthird hand([情報など]2人の媒介者を介して入手した)という言い方もよく使われる。どちらも「間接的に」という意味で用いられる。
◎Extra Example
“Who is Risa going to live with now?”
“I think with Ralph. I heard it second hand, but I bet it’s true.”
☆Extra Extra Point
second hand(second-hand)は、「中古の」の意味でもよく使われる。
★Extra Extra Example
“Hey, Ed, I love your new car.”
“It’s not really new, Jack. I got it second hand. But it really looks new.”